Check whether anyone’s been injured.
> Check whether there’s any damage to
> Call the emergency services if needed.
Report it
Let the police know as soon as you can if:
> Anyone’s injured.
> Anything’s been stolen.
> The other driver fails to stop.
> There’s no other driver involved, but there
has been any damage to property.
> Your car is causing a traffic jam.
> You have any concerns about your safety or
the safety of others.
Swap details
Try to talk to the other driver or drivers where
possible, so long as it’s safe to do so. Share your:
> Contact details.
> Insurance information.
> Car make and model and registration number.
If there are witnesses, try to get their details too.
Take notes and pictures
Record as much detail as you can as soon as
you reasonably can. For example:
> Take pictures on your phone.
> Make a drawing of the scene.
> Make notes of key details, such as your
> Make notes about how the accident happened.
This information will help us to assess any claim.
Don’t negotiate
It’s up to us, or the police, to decide the cause of
any incident. So never do any of the following
– we’ll do this for you.
> Admit responsibility, even if you think it may
have been your fault.
> Negotiate with the other driver.
> Offer to pay for any damage.
Get in touch with us by calling 0345 246 8539
Let us know what’s happened as soon as you
can, even if you don’t intend to claim for damage
to your car. We’ll let you know what to do.
Please also tell us if anything’s been stolen.
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