تعبير بالانجليزي عن زيارة الاقارب
مطلوب تعبير عن العائله
العائلة و الاقارب بالانجليزي
 العائلة و الاقارب بالانجليزي - Parents and Relatives ...
تعبير عن زيارة الاقارب بالانجليزي
موضوع تعبير عن زيارة الاقارب والاصدقاء
بارات عن الاهل بالانجليزي , تعبير عن عائلتي, , عن الاخ بالانجليزي
عبير بالانجليزي عن زيارة الاقارب
تعبير عن العائله بالانجليزي مع الترجمه
تعبير عن العائله بالانجليزي سهل
تعبير عن العائله بالعربي قصير
عبارات عن العائلة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الاسرة
تعبير بالانجليزي عن العائله الكبيره
تعبير عن الاخ بالانجليزي
تعبير عن اسرتي
Holidays with grandparents, a chance for all.
The school is over, the school bags are packed, the booklets are signed, we said goodbye to the mistress, the buddies, we leave for a great vacation! For some, it will be the aerated center or a few days in colony. For many, direction grandparents.

Their parents who do not have the chance to leave so long rejoice. Some do not hide their joy, and they are right! For if they are happy with these few days in peace, far from their beloved heads, grandparents and grandchildren are delighted with these reunions, far from the parental gaze.

Nothing could be more precious than these ties that anchor children in their family history, culture, customs, a whole past that enlighten and reinforce their present, even though they are often shaken in their intimate family circle.

Grandparents are witnesses to the childhood of their parents and they like to make them evoke the anecdotes that have enamelled their youth. It is very reassuring for a child to hear that his father or mother has had his fears, his weaknesses, that he or she was not that block of perfection that at this age, before adolescence, Imagine and to which it is not every day easy to confront!

It is joyful to laugh at the nonsense he or she has been able to do and rejoicing to hear the account of the successes that made them proud. In a society where intergenerational transmission is reduced as a matter of grief, young people spending most of their time communicating with each other via social networks, this summer bracket is perhaps even more valuable!

For their grandparents, their grandchildren are the opportunity to stay in a dynamic present, or even to project themselves into the future, letting themselves be embarked by this new generation which makes them discover other codes and takes a fresh look On the world she discovers. The exchange takes place in both directions, and what little child does not draw a certain pride to dissipate, quickly done well, the nervousness of his grandfather or grandmother before a decoder recalcitrant ....

And then grandparents when they look after their grandchildren have the distance needed to relativize situations that can annoy parents. Less stringent on certain points, more on others, they do not have the same rhythm, they slow down the rate, often unbridled, of the small ones raised in the big cities.

When big turbulence, separation of parents, fraternal jealousy, academic difficulties, the attentive, benevolent and neutral ear of a grandfather, a grandmother, will be essential support. With them, sorrow or anger can be expressed without the risk of injuring either parent and the comfort obtained will bear the inevitable tensions.

Often they find the cousins they do not always see during the school year and they feast on these reunion and a complicity often evident and strong. They laugh together at the same jokes, they kick their elbows when the grandparents display funny fads, claim the same favorite dish, the same bike ride, the same part of cards or petanques.

At sea, they climb the same rocks will fish for shrimp, pick up tiny crabs, find shells. With a cousin, a cousin, they never get bored and make memories that they are not ready to forget.

Their grandparents are happy with this effervescence, certainly a little tiring, but which make of them the witnesses of their "tribe" united. In the meantime, the arrival of the parents, because all the grandparents will tell you, the children are much wiser when they keep them without their parents!

Happy Holidays to all,

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