تعبير عن الزواج بالانجليزي قصير • عبارات عن الزواج بالانجليزي
 اقتباسات عن الزواج – اقتباسات باللغة الانجليزية
 موضوع باللغة الانجليزية عن الزواج marriage,
تعبير بالانجليزي عن زفاف
موضوع بالانجليزي عن الزواج ـقاليد وعادات الزواج في الجزائر والدول العربية
تعبير انجليزي عن زواج 
عبير انجليزي عن wedding
تعبير بالانجليزي عن الزواج في السعوديه
تعبير عن مناسبة الزواج بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الزواج بالانجليزي قصير
برجراف عن حفل زفاف
تعبير عن عادات الزواج بالانجليزي
تعبير عن حفل زفاف
تعبير عن زواج اختي بالانجليزي

انشاء عن حفلة زفاف
تعبير بسيط عن الزواج بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الزواج بالانجليزي مترجم
تعبير بالانجليزي عن الزواج في السعوديه
تعبير عن عادات الزواج بالانجليزي
تعبير عن حفل زفاف
موضوع عن الزواج بالانجليزي قصير
برجراف عن حفل زفاف
marriage customs in saudi arabia

The traditional preparations for an Algerian marriage
Generally, married families start preparing the Muslim marriage meal while men gather for the sacrifice of a sheep or a cow depending on the number of guests who will be present for the festivities.
The next day, the day of the hammam arrives. For this special day, the bride and the daughters of her family go to the public bath as the maghrebian tradition wishes with candles, religious songs and youyous.
Next is the ceremony called El Khouara organized and prepared by the mother of the bride for friends and relatives. The future wife will parade in various oriental and traditional dresses like the caftan or takchita in front of her guests, oriental dragees will also be distributed. According to tradition, the more the family has money, the more the young wife will have to march with several outfits.
On Thursday, comes the meal of the henée also said El taâliq. All the women present are there to help the bride prepare her trousseau. In one of the rooms of the house, the Algerian bride is dressed in the charb ezdaf dress. This is the name of a very costly oriental costume in Algeria. It is composed of a binouar, a refined dress without sleeves with fine embroideries in the shape of flower. It is on this same day that the women of the groom's family arrive at the future spouse with a Jehaz. The Jehaz is a white suitcase that contains a lot of petticoats, underwear, clothes and even perfumes. The Arab tradition says that no one has the right to touch or see the contents of this suitcase before the bride. Because once the bag is handed over, the mother and sisters of the future spouse leave to take care of the henna of the bride as a sign of welcome in her new family. This is how two young ladies stand on either side of the bride with a long twisted candle in her hand. At this precise moment, Jehaz is brought to the Algerian wife under the Youyous so that the latter can discover the contents of the suitcase. Once this ritual is over, it is the turn of the guests to offer gifts and gifts to the bride and groom. In 90% of the cases, the guests will put money in a tray near the chair of the future woman. That's how it ends this long day for the spouses and the next day, all these people put off by going to party with the parents of Monsieur.
The first day of a traditional Algerian wedding
The Algerian bride goes to the hammam with the women of her family and her friends. During the hammam, the bride must wear a fota, a cloth in gilt cloth going from the chest to the knees. She will also wear a bnika on her head and wooden clogs on her feet. She is welcomed into the hammam by other women who receive her with shouts of youyou and several songs begin as "ya lhamam el rali djaw lik el bnate".
Then and according to the custom of an Algerian marriage, each woman will take care of the future Algerian wife. Everyone is going to be careful for the queen of this day to sublimate it. It is made of a clay mask, complete waxing etc. Inside "lbite skhoune", all the people present in the hammam have a good time and the oldest women verify that all ancestral traditions are well respected .
The second day of marriage
The second day is the El khouara. It is an event that takes place in a party room and where the mother of the young Algerian wife will invite all relatives and friends to come and discover the oriental dresses of her daughter. She also invites the women of the groom's family for this meeting. While an orchestra or an oriental dj animates the wedding room, the future spouse of the Maghreb scrolls before everyone wearing her various outfits. So, she's going to wear her engagement dress, a bedroune, a chedda, a fergani, a karakou, a white dress and many more. In Algeria, this parade is called the Tesdira. A photographer can also be present to take snapshots of the bride in her beautiful outfits.
Day 3 of the Algerian wedding
As the Algerian custom of an Algerian wedding, we now come to the ceremony of El taâliq which is the evening meal and the ceremony of the henna. The bride's trousseau was made by the women of her family who put all this in her suitcases and take her to her new house of Maghreb bride and groom. Shouts of youyous are made when the affairs of the future Muslim wife leave the family roof. It is the women two families who have the duty to bring home the bride's trousseau in her new home with her husband. The parents-in-law welcome them with oriental pastry and lemonade.
The last day of the Algerian marriage
The day after the festivities, a lunch is scheduled for the parents of the new wife as tradition in Algeria. In the morning, the men of both families go to the prayer of the "dhor" while in the afternoon, oriental cakes are served. After hours of discussion and discussion, the guests leave and leave the young fiancée in the arms of her new family. From this day and for a week, the bride will only have to wear her oriental and traditional outfits. She will even be exempted from cleaning during this period. On the seventh and last day, the bride goes to the hammam with her parents and some friends. After this weekly delay, the girl and her new status as a married woman will have the opportunity to fly on her own.

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