sports coaching business insurance
Launching your activity goes hand in hand with carrying out numerous administrative procedures for independent sports coaches. Among them is the subscription of insurance to protect themselves in the context of their professional activity. Focus on the information to remember as well as the essential insurance.
Why insure yourself as a sports coach?
Like any professional activity, sports coaching is not spared by the risks and the possible occurrence of an incident or disaster during the sessions. These can concern both coaches and clients following sports training.
Professional civil liability insurance
The first insurance to take out as a sports coach is professional liability insurance. It covers damage caused to a third party in the course of your work. Thus, you will not have to take full responsibility for any compensation to be paid to repair the damage suffered.
Damage covered by professional civil liability may be bodily or material. They can be caused to a customer (or not) by you, your employees, your sports machines or any other object belonging to the company or rented. As regards the causes, negligence, imprudence, professional misconduct or acts of another nature are covered by the insurance (with exceptions).
Good to know
This insurance is mainly aimed at sports coaches with independent status. Employees working within a company benefit from the insurance taken out by their company.
car insurance
For many sports coaches, regular trips to their clients are to be expected. If you use your car, it is essential to ensure that you have protection during your business trips.
You must at least be covered by civil liability insurance to protect yourself against the damage you could cause to others. It can be another motorist such as a pedestrian, a cyclist or a motorcyclist.
Business premises and property insurance
Weighted balls, floor mats, sports machines such as ellipticals or treadmills, punching bags, skipping ropes, etc. You have invested in equipment (to use and sometimes to sell) and you are keen to protect him. In addition to paying attention and respecting the usual precautions, you will certainly need to take out insurance to obtain compensation in the event of a claim. The protection must also extend to the premises themselves because they may be subject to damage, break-ins, fire, flooding... In practice, protecting your equipment and your premises will allow you to continue your professional activity and replace the damaged equipment.
Legal protection
In the event of a dispute with a client, it is important to be aware of their rights and to know the various solutions and possible remedies to resolve the situation. It is therefore advisable to take out insurance or a guarantee allowing you to have access to the advice of experienced lawyers who can guide you regarding the measures to be taken. In another register, this insurance also covers part of the legal costs that may be required of you.
Good to know
Before signing an insurance contract, take the time to check to what extent you are covered and the level of deductible applied. Depending on the case, adjustments may be necessary to adapt the insurance contract to your needs and the specifics of your activity. A variation, upward or downward in contributions is to be expected in the event of changes.
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