sports coaching business insurance
Basic professional insurance
Professional Liability
During physical exercise, your client is injured... Thanks to MMA Professional Civil Liability, you are covered(1) if, in the course of your professional activity, your company is liable for damage caused to a third party.
Business premises and property
MMA covers(1) your property in the event of a claim (fire, water damage, climatic event, theft(2), broken glass(2), broken machinery(2)…):
your premises,
your materials, equipment and facilities: punching bags, pull-up bars, horizontal bikes, treadmill, etc.
your products for sale (rubber bands, balls, floor mats, weighted balls, etc.) as well as your supplies stocks.
Professional Legal Protection(3)
The defense of your interests is ensured within the framework of your professional activity: advice and coverage(1) - after our prior agreement - of your procedural costs and lawyer's fees resulting from a legal action (conflict with a supplier, customer, employee, etc.).
Guarantees recommended for sports coaches
Professional goods transported(2)
This option in the contract allows you to be covered(1) during the transport of various professional equipment, but also during the loading and unloading phases.
In the event of a claim, your materials and equipment (pull-up bars, elliptical trainers, treadmills, etc.) can be compensated(1) at the value of new for 3 or 6 years.
Multi-risk MMA PRO PME
Ensure your responsibility as a leader
Coach executive responsibility © Ridofranz/Thinkstock
As the manager of a business, you regularly make decisions that may engage your personal responsibility. In the event of a claim for misconduct, your personal assets are then exposed, putting your private and family life at risk.
With MMA Dirigeant, you can benefit(1) from covering your defense costs as well as damages to be paid to the plaintiff.
Manager's Liability Insurance
Insure your business vehicles
Driver © AboutLife/Fotolia
For the needs of your sports coaching activity, you have one or more professional vehicles. MMA Auto Insurance offers you three coverage formulas(1) that you can supplement with several reinforcements (compensation, breakdown assistance).
A specific option allows you to guarantee(1) your equipment during transport (pull-up bars, dumbbells, etc.). It can be very useful for you in the context of courses at your client's home.
Professional Auto Insurance
Protect you and your family
Mutuelle Santé TNS(4)
With MMA health insurance, you can benefit from mutual health insurance adapted to your activity, advantageous taxation and coverage of all or part of your medical expenses(1) for you and your family.
Professional Income Insurance(5)
Are you sure you will benefit from replacement income if you were to be off work? MMA can pick up the slack by allowing you to preserve your income. You and your loved ones can also benefit from suitable cover in the event of death or disability.
With the MMA PER Avenir(6) contract: you save at your own pace, in order to benefit from a life annuity or capital(7) to supplement your income once you retire.
Loan Insurance for Pros
Take advantage of MMA borrower insurance to cover the loans you have taken out on a professional or private basis and be protected(1) in the event of a "hard blow"...
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