cleft sentences exercises

278 example sentences with « split »


    Nicolas Treml girded the great sword of his ancestors, valiant steel damask with rust and which had split more than one English skull during the time of the national wars.
    Jude, who had cracked twice in quick succession, pulled himself together nicely.
    I almost split my knee on the tile.
    Are slit pants accepted in the theatre?
    The hero didn't have his pants split and you couldn't see his behind when the curtain rose.
    We most often used trognards which we still often meet in our hedges: split wood was rigorously excluded.
    He was split open with a sword and ripped off the skin with a sharp stone, and dried in the sun for eight days.
    Head of a woman with hair swept back, revealing the hump of a small narrow forehead, the eyebrows raised towards the temples, the deep brow bone, the eye slit lengthwise with a pupil flowing into the corners
    Finally a hundred companions, all people of good stock, Embarked with Pascual d'Andagoya Who, pushing his course still further, skirted The gulf where the Pacific Ocean breaks, Set sail towards the South, doubled the island of Pearl, And sailed ahead of him with full sail, Having thus, among the Conquerors of that time, The good fortune of having been the first to split the new seas With the spurs of heavy caravels.
    The broken chain, corroded with rust, hangs at the door, and the weeds have split the marble pavement.
    An old paper of a grayish color, split here and there by the cracks in the wall, lined the wall where the bed rested;
    In a few minutes, Dagobert had split the sheet lengthwise into four pieces, which he then twisted very tightly, so as to make a sort of cord, fastening here and there, by means of ribbons of thread given to him by the worker, the twist he had imparted to the linen; of these four sections, firmly knotted one at the end of the other, Dagobert made a cord of at least twenty feet.
    split, dehiotoren.
    this speech caused much joy to the vizier, he did not fail to have pity on the young man, whose countenance, instead of appearing fatal, had something engaging, and he was about to answer him when a great man of an already very advanced age having also split the press, came and said to the vizier:
    ] The Wolof represent them as slender-limbed giants having a single eye split vertically and placed on the forehead above a very elongated nose.
    This time he was definitively buried and "did not see the earth again"[150] because, before he was buried, the stranger to whom he had refused couscous and who was there had split his head with a name stroke.
    The forehead bone was split to the posterior part of the skull, which was not seen at first.
    Thanks to the same movement with which she had cut through the crowd, Mame Toinon made herself a place again and, raising her baskets, descended the steps of the stairs four by four.
    The colonel, drawing his sword, had split the painting, from top to bottom.
    Having split his cassock, he withdrew an arm first, then a leg, both well formed, then, he removed an ingenious device which covered one of his eyes, then finally, stripping a fake skin in which he lived for a long time , it appeared white and clean to all eyes.
    She would have made Hercules turn the spit, and would have split his club to keep the fire going.
    pushed with violence on this rock, our helping ship was split in the middle; so that, in this unjust divorce, fortune left us both with reason to rejoice and to cry.
    but the old gentleman eyed him with disgust, and cast anxious glances around him, as if he were himself seeking a means of escape: he would probably have tried to do so, and thereby occasioned a new pursuit, if a police officer, usually the last person to arrive in such a case, would not have pushed through the crowd at that moment and grabbed Olivier by the collar.
    We heard the footsteps of someone walking away, and after a minute we saw Mr. Jack Dawkins, in other words the crafty Dodger, appear, holding a candle stuck in a split stick.
    Also, when I have composed it and give it to you to hold, you will have nothing better to do, if you see that, in some battle, I have been split in the middle of my body, as we happens again and again, than picking up the part of the body that has fallen on the ground;
    SIR ANDRE. He split my head open, And also bloodied Sir Toby's face.
    Yes, you split my head for nothing; and what I did I only did at the instigation of Sir Tobias.
    the split trunk yawned like a ghost;
    “When I returned, after splitting some logs, the child was born.
    Here, said N


 Here, said Nevertheless, look at that split nose like a bulldog's and that outfit of a former policeman who always thinks he's on the point of arresting people, it's Crochard, the tax collector.
Earthenware plates, the enamel of which is cracked and which smell of grease, tin forks complete
Fortunately, he was more frightened than hurt, his hat, moreover split in two, having cushioned the shock.
here's one with a cracked skull.
but the latter again parried with his own saber, otherwise the giant's, continuing on its way, would have split him in two, and with a reverse cut off Pantafilando's head.
I hadn't seen that Monsieur le Chevalier had split the back of his hand against a buckle of the harness.
it is because our flagged, flowered, triumphant boats have often split its green waters from Strasbourg to Cologne.
In the first tableau, one of the little dancers is in motion, holding in one hand a kind of split reed, the sound of which seems to mark the time;
In the second picture, one, almost at rest, also holds a split reed;
Figure of a mime, wearing a pointed cap, armed with a shield and a split stick suitable for making noise;
Twin shafts, or a single split shaft into which the beam descended.
[Note 157: This cape was called from cap Fendu (Cape Split).
Tall, admirably proportioned, Armand had a high forehead, black eyes, widely slit, sparkling with intelligence and will: the hands would have been the envy of a little mistress;
If he had reached it, the skull of the unfortunate Baber would have been split in two and, with the skull, the nose and the chin;
His temper was such that Timour, on crossing the Indus, rising upright in his saddle, had split from the skull to the waist an Afghan horseman, wearing a helmet of inlaid steel.
Petrarch is in a red cloak split for the passage of the arms, the head covered with a hood lined with green.
The shock of the mail coach had split two spokes and plowed through the hub, the nut of which no longer held.
The few beautiful trees in the garden remained there as if at the bottom of a well, the moss eating the steps of the porch, crumbled and split.
It would be too naughty, and besides, even though I'm gay, my heart breaks all the same at the sight of the slightest pain.
if he hadn't stiffened up, he would have screamed, smashed the table with his fists.
It's cracked, gentlemen, but it can still be used....

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