Activities Time Objective
Introduction to Auto 5 minutes • Summarize the purpose of the following
Insurance: What You Need 6 activities that guide a recent driver
to Know through the auto insurance experience.
• Help participants understand why
auto insurance is necessary, what it
covers, what to do in case of a crash,
and how to shop for a policy.
1: Am I Ready to Drive? 5 minutes • Discuss what to keep in mind before
getting behind the wheel.
2: Why do I Need Auto 20 minutes • Participants play a scenario game to
Insurance? see the reasons why auto insurance is
3: Tell me more about 10 minutes • Reviews the basic design of auto
auto insurance? insurance, including terminology and
4: What Does My Auto 10 minutes • Compares comprehensive, liability,
Insurance Cover? collision and injury protection.
5: What Happens if I’m 10 minutes • Defines the role of the insurance
Involved in a Crash? company in the event of a crash.
6: Practice Shopping 15 minutes • Participants can practice shopping for
for a Policy quotes on line, to get a feeling for the
expected cost. A guest speaker from
the insurance field can provide
additional insight.
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