Guide to


Insurance and


Generally, automobile insurance policies
provide liability coverage to protect you from
the financial losses–i.e. vehicle repair costs,
medical bills, and fees for legal services—associated
with an automobile accident that results
from your negligent operation of a vehicle.
This liability coverage is typically divided
into two general types: bodily injury coverage,
which covers the costs associated with the injury
or death to another person involved in
the accident, and property damage coverage,
which covers damage to another person’s car
or property including fences, buildings, utility
poles, signs, and trees. For additional premiums,
you may also purchase additional physical
damage coverage to help pay for the damage
to your own vehicle. Physical damage coverage
is also divided into two types: collision coverage,
which pays for the damage to your vehicle
caused by colliding with another vehicle or an
object or by rolling the vehicle over, and comprehensive
coverage, which covers the damage
to your vehicle resulting from occurrences
other than collisions, i.e. hail, falling tree limbs,
vandalism, or theft. Additionally, medical payments
coverage pays for medical and/or funeral
expenses if you or any passenger in your vehicle
are injured or killed in an automobile accident,
even if you are the driver at fault.

 Guide to Automobile Insurance and Accidents

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