Guide to Auto Insurance Rates of Nevada

Shopping for auto insurance is not easy. It takes time and effort and can be confusing. This booklet is
designed both to assist you in shopping for auto insurance and to help you understand your personal
auto policy. Since automobile insurance rates are based on each individual’s unique circumstances, it
is impossible in a booklet like this to list the various prices different companies would charge you for
automobile insurance. Instead, this booklet takes the approach of listing several hypothetical personal
circumstances as a context within which you may be able to get a reasonable idea of what various
insurance companies may charge you for insurance.
It is important to keep in mind that there are other factors to consider besides price when buying
insurance, such as the level of service provided. The premium prices in this booklet are based on data
supplied by the insurance companies listed. Your premium will vary depending on the coverage you
choose, your driving record, the type of vehicle you drive, your age and other information. You may
also choose to contact companies who are not listed in the rating examples provided.
Near the end of this booklet is an alphabetical list of all companies that wrote business for private
passenger personal automobile insurance in Nevada during 2018. Also near the end of this booklet is
the Vehicle Insurance Shopping List, which may help you to compare several companies at one time.
How to Use This Guide
To use this booklet, select the example with circumstances that most closely resemble your own and
then choose a ZIP code location near you. The lowest premiums are designated in bold numbers, the
highest premiums by bold italic numbers. These examples are only intended to illustrate the
difference in premiums. Also, please note that some of the companies listed may only offer policies
to members of certain affinity groups or organizations. Again, your premium is likely to differ from
the amount stated, depending upon your varying risk factors as mentioned above. Lastly, if you are
viewing this guide electronically, notice that the table of contents is hyperlinked to direct you to
specific sections of the guide – just click on the topic you wish to review.

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