تعبير عن الامنيات بالانجليزي قصير
تعبير عن طموحاتك في المستقبل
تعبير عن امنيتي
تعبير عن المستقبل بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن my dream
تعبير عن حلم المستقبل بالانجليزي قصير
موضوع عن الحياة في المستقبل بالانجليزي مترجم
تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسي في المستقبل
تعبير عن امنيه تريد تحقيقها
تعبير عن امنيه تريد تحقيقها
تعبير عن امنيتي
تعبير عن امنيتي في المستقبل
بالعمل احقق امنيتي
تحقيق الامنيات
تعريف الامنيات
تعريف الامنية
حكم عن الامنيات
تعبير عن حلم المستقبل

that the year 2019 is studded bursts of joy, petals of happiness , that she is illuminated by the flame of love and the spark of friendship . Happy and happy year !
that this new year you brings success
health and prosperity than you deserve .
That the difficulties of this new year you are all spared, that happiness either at the rendezvous in your hearts and in those of your close .
In a word, we are wish a very good year 2019 !
The Martin family .
that the spirit of Christmas be with you today and all during the New Year .
To change, I wanted be ahead on everyone ,
so I send you my wishes few moments
before the transition to the new year .
In shortly , you will enter in a year of happiness and sharing ,
a new cycle is going start for you .
This is certainly the lesser evil you merits .
Holy and Happy Year !
We are you send star Peace, Solidarity, Truth and Love for them illuminate your life all the year 2019 .
2017 was marked by wars and horrors ,
2019 will be the year of peace and happiness .
I you wish all a very good year !
To change, I wanted be ahead on everyone ,
so I send you my wishes a few moments before the transition to the new year .
In shortly , you will enter in a year of happiness and sharing ,
a new cycle is going start for you .
This is certainly the lesser evil you merits .
Menu of good year
Beautiful cuts of smiles
A few bursts of laughter
A great spoon of kindness
Some grains of tenderness
A good pinch affection
handles gold and silver
a maximum of success
Sprinkle with cheerfulness
Simmer gently
serve merrily
Humorous :
I tell you wish that 2019 be a excellent year for you .
I hope than you will have the opportunity to continue to meet exceptional people .
So do not lose sight of me !
A greeting card colored for a 2019 year all in color !
best wishes !
2019 year of the crisis exit ?
And if we dared take risks, to believe in the impossible, to challenge fate?
that the new year is favorable to all your attempts that allow us to win all the challenges and transcend us .
But even better than the previous one . That 2019 be for you the year of all the successes and all the joys. Happy New Year !
2019 will be a year apart, made of 365 days of happiness
This makes as much opportunities to enjoy life ,
to transmit good waves ,
and to enjoy your close .
Welcome aboard 2019!
On the program a lot of joy, luck, success and health .
The option serenity is offered by the house : you will right to a 365 day of happiness
A new year
A little message
A huge wish for success and health
Welcome aboard 2019!
On the program a lot of joy, luck, success and health .
The option serenity is offered by the house : you will right to a 365 day of happiness
Smiles, to chase sorrow,
Audacity, that things are not never in place ,
Confidence, to clear doubts,
Sweets, to live life,
Comfort to soften day difficult ,
Generosity, for the pleasure of sharing,
Heaven bows to color ideas black ,
Courage, to keep moving forward !
Happy New Year to all
Humor :
He is midnight ! At this moment you have share laughs , smile and happiness with yours .
You have to have the belly full , a glass of champagne in his hand .
Be careful not to worry too much to drink or you will regret tomorrow !
I tell you transmit my wishes for your year is as well happy than this evening .
that the horizon of this new year 2019 rhymes with passion, energy and achievement !

all our team you wish a good year full
discoveries, wealth and vitality.

Some read the past, others try to predict the future .
Let's secure the present together .
" Our company " you wish a excellent year 2019 .

More than never Our goal: to make you reach the top
" Notresociété "always at your sides to achieve your dreams ...
best greetings in this new year 2019 !
" Our company " you thank you for your trust and you present his best wishes for the year 2019 .

A greeting card colored for a 2019 year all in color !
best wishes !

that you hope better a perfect health for you and your close ,
Prosperity and passion into your activities ,
And love around you during all the year ...
Proceed a very good year 2019 !
that the year 2019 you brings happiness and success, success in your projects and the fulfillment of your dreams .

For this year 2019, I you wish to vibrate for projects inspiring and see them successful!

In this new year , receive from all our team our wishes the most tonic !

We are you wish a coming year full of promise and success .

The know-how and the envy to move forward are the drivers of our determination to go towards the future ... these are the foundations of our success . best wishes 2019 !
that our collaboration continues in this new year 2019 .
All our wishes for happiness and prosperity .

The management and all the staff will thank for your support and your dedication .
They you address their best wishes for the year 2019 .

" The power to control time » Any team you thank you for your trust and you present his best wishes for happiness and success .

Together towards new horizons for this new year .
" Our company " you thank you for your trust and you wish his best wishes for happiness for the year 2019 .
Prosperity , Success , Happiness ,
are values we put forward to the new year
best Wishes !

all the team of " Our Company " you thank you for your trust and you present his wishes for happiness and success for the year 2019 .
all team you thank you for your trust and you present his best wishes for the year 2019 .

Thanks to your projects relevant , our collaboration continues ...
" Our company " you address his best vows 2019 .

Our collaboration as well than your loyalty are the key to our success .
May the new year 2019 be synonymous of escape and success .

" Our company " you thanks for the trust than you him grant and you present his best wishes for the new year .

A year ends, another begins!
That 2019 is again the proof of our collaboration and your success .

1 year of health ,
52 weeks of great activity ,
365 days of joy ,
8,760 hours of satisfaction ,
525,600 minutes of prosperity ,
31,536,000 seconds of happiness
that this new year way accomplished your dreams and succeed your projects .

best Wishes of Health, Happiness, and Prosperity
that the year 2019 you gives to realize , according to your expectations , this than you desire , both for you that for your close .

Together towards new horizons for this new year .
" Our company " you thank you for your trust and you wish his best wishes for happiness for the year 2019 .
Our collaboration as well than your loyalty are the keys to our succeeded .
that this new year you brings happiness and success
as well well professionally than personally .
A new year , new horizons ...
may our collaboration you bring , this year again, the greatest satisfaction .
best Wishes 2019 !

" Germinate ideas "
" Push collaboration "
" Pick the fruits "
Three steps of success
" Our company " you present his best greetings for 2019 .

" Our goal is to reach record highs for you satisfied "
The team of " Our company " you present his best wishes for the year 2019 !
We are happy relationships of trust that we maintain
and wish all your collaborators , prosperity and health for this new year .
A new year begins, filled with good resolutions and hope .
That it rhymes with serenity , development and prosperity .
All our wishes for 2019 .

Time goes by ,
Our collaboration continues ...
" Our company " you address his best wishes .

Joy and beauty deployed in this season
are excellent reasons for you wish
a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas
from " Our company ".

Each year , a new start ,
At each departure , a new success ,
A success that is and will be yours this year again ...
all our team you address his best wishes .
" Our company " you present his best wishes for the year 2019 !
all team you thanks for the trust than you him have renewed
and you wish a good and happy year .

One same momentum we unite to build the future ...
... best wishes for this new year !

Together, the road seems to us less long. Let's go even further ...
For 2019, let's have the strength to believe in our dreams , in our desires ,
we give our projects a little more of ourselves to build a future better .
There is no better time chose to say thank you for the trust
than you have us witnessed throughout the year .

" Our company "and his team you thank you for your loyalty
and you show their best Wishes of happiness , health and success
on the occasion of this new year .

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