موضوع بالانجليزي عن communication
برجراف عن communications today
تعبير عن الاتصالات قصير
الفرق بين التواصل في الماضي والحاضر بالانجليزي
paragraph about communications
paragraph about communication in the past and present
essay about communication
تعبير بالانجليزي عن الماضي والحاضر
تعبير عن التواصل الاجتماعي بالانجليزي قصير
موضوع انجليزي عن التواصل في الماضي والحاضر
paragraph about communication
ممكن تعبير عن الــcommunications
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تعبير بلانجلش عن الاتصالات

The benefits of positive communication
We live in a communication society. It is now an area in its own right, with its "communication professionals", its products, services and concepts. And yet, in everyday life, communication is often limited to reproach. "I have to talk to you" unfortunately too rarely leads to a real conversation with conclusive results. It is high time to move on to positive communication.

We all tend to share more of our negative impressions rather than our positive feelings. Thus, we will complain about the newsletter of our child if it is bad, our husband if it does not surprise us enough or a boss too critical. In fact, nothing is ever good enough. But why not, as a priority, share pleasant and happy moments? The famous newsletter may also show excellence in certain subjects or a positive evolution in the long term, your husband avoids the good but also the bad surprises, and the criticism of a demanding boss can help evolve ...

The idea is quite simple: to maintain a warm atmosphere in our home, we must change the way we communicate, talk. This is a track that I often run when people come to consult me ​​as a sexologist. Positive communication indeed makes it possible to break a negative dynamic and really improve the daily life of a couple. Of course it is not easy to change the good old habits, but some efforts are already producing good results.

No question, however, to silence and repress your fears, doubts and frustrations. It's all about expressing them differently. It is an art! Thus, to make it clear to your companion that it is painful to see him continually prostrate in front of the TV rather than take you on a walk, a suggestion insisting on the pleasant and positive aspect, such as "I so appreciated the When you took me for a walk in the woods, it was so nice to be together in another place "will undoubtedly be more successful than a reproach such as" You never do anything with me! ". Change your demand and the reaction will adapt accordingly.

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We all tend to steal when we are criticized for something. This is a completely normal protection reaction. And reproach often leads another, as a counter-attack. It is then difficult to get out of this infernal circle. Think twice "yes" before stating a "no". In other words, allow yourself a criticism only after stating two compliments. Believe me, your complaint will be all the better listened to as your interlocutor will be aware of your general appreciation for it.

The same is true of sexuality exchanges. In this area, men are particularly sensitive to criticism and can quickly feel threatened. So try to get the message across by stressing what's pleasing. No more bitching, long live positive communication! I guarantee you that pleasure is at the end of the road.

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