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Child care: what kind of care for my baby?

How to choose the child care mode?
The time to think about how to care for your baby has arrived. Between lack of crèche places, looking for a trusted nanny and other possibilities, making the right choice may seem complicated. To help you, here are the advantages and disadvantages of the different options available.

Discover the advantages and disadvantages of different types of care

Choosing how to keep your child under the age of 3 is a decision that is made in pairs and sometimes requires compromise. In order to find the solution that suits you best, your toddler and you, it is necessary to set priorities.

The nursery

The +:

Ideal for socialization and baby awakening. Early childhood professionals trained to look after baby. The cost, calculated according to the income, is advantageous.
The - :

The places in cribs are not enough! Schedules are less flexible. In the community, your baby may be sick more often.

 Advice :

To maximize your chances of getting a place, you must apply at the beginning of your pregnancy and increase the number of registrations: municipal, community or business, there are different kinds of nurseries. Also, by requesting an entry in September, you will more easily have a positive answer. This may be worth taking a parental leave before.

Nursing assistants
The +:
They are trained professionals and their work is controlled. Childcare hours are agreed between the parents and the childminder. Your baby will normally be less sick than in a nursery. It is kept alone or with several children (2 or 3 usually).
The - :
Depending on the city and the month of the year, finding nannies available is more complicated! You must learn to trust him and make sure his home is safe. If she gets sick, someone will have to find someone to replace her.
The trick is to go through a family crèche that employs approved nursery assistants, welcoming to their home.
Advice :

Finding a maternal assistant is easier nowadays thanks to new technologies. Indeed, even if the word of mouth and the classifieds at the baker still work, thanks to applications for smartphone or websites, you can more easily find a person available near you.
Shared custody

The +:

Like home-based care, schedules are tailored to the needs of parents. Your baby keeps his bearings, because it is kept partly at home.
The - :

We need to find a family near you, with whom you get along well, who has the same time constraints and who shares the same values ​​in terms of education ... The cost of this formula remains relatively high.
Advice :

By placing an ad, you will soon find a family to share care. With this type of care, your baby will be a friend of his age and will follow him for several years and you will also make friends in the same situation as you. 

The daycare center

The +:

A la carte menu for couples whose parents do not work. Your baby can be kept there for up to three half days a week. He discovers the joys of community life, under the watchful eye of trained staff.
The - :

The schedules are quite strict and punctuality is appreciated. Your baby will not necessarily see the same children each time he comes.
Advice :
Try to put your baby at the same day and hours each week, so he will be more likely to meet the same toddlers!
A member of the family

The +:

Less stress because the person to whom your baby is entrusted is well known to the family! The bond is easily tied between her and the baby.
The - :

What concerns education can be a subject of divergence.
Advice :

From the start, set education rules and a schedule. So it will be clearer and everything will roll!

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