المدرسة قديما وحديثا المدارس حديثا التدريس قديما وحديثا
الفرق بين المدرسة القديمة
والمدرسة الحديثة الفرق بين التعليم قديما
وحديثا في مصر
الفرق بين المعلم قديما
وحديثا مقارنة بين التعليم قديما وحديثا بالانجليزي كيف كان التعليم قديما كيف كانت المدارس قديماً
وسائل التعليم قديماً وحديثاً طرق التدريس قديماً وحديثاً - الفرق بين المدارس قديما و حديثا
Today's school and the school of old
The school
Before, at the time of our grandparents or great-grandparents, the
school was different.
For example, classes were dark and austere. In class, students
worked differently. They wrote with a penholder. Every morning, the teacher
wrote the moral of the
day that the children had to copy. The girls were learning sewing,
and the boys gardening.
The teacher inflicted severe punishments on the student: donkey's
cap, iron ruler on the fingers .... In the playground, the children did not
always play the same games as today: leapfrog, cup and ball, .......
The children had to wear a blouse. Finally, there were schools for
girls and schools for boys. Schools were not mixed.
School today
Since then, the school has evolved: The schools are mixed. The
classes are clear and well decorated by the manual work of the students. The
tables have replaced the wooden desks. There are also white boards.
New and more sophisticated objects appeared: pens, felt pens, white
slates, backpacks, on wheels ...
Moreover, the child is respected and valued by the teachers. He is
listened to and it is forbidden to violate or touch him.
The children wear different clothes; they are no longer forced to
wear a blouse.
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