تعبير بالانجليزي عن رياضة المشي
أهمية رياضة المشي
تعبير عن أفضل هواية والهواية اللي أخترته
موضوع انجليزي برجراف عن ال sport الرياضة
بحث عن رياضة المشى
برجراف عن رياضة المشي
تعبير عن رياضتك المفضلة
تعبير انجليزي عن running
تعبير عن الرياضة بالانجليزي قصير جدا
تعبير عن رياضة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الرياضة المفضلة بالانجليزي
موضوع انجليزي عن الرياضة كرة القدم
موضوع انجليزي عن الرياضة للصف الثامن
تعبير عن رياضة المشي بالانجليزي

موضوع عن الرياضة بالانجليزي طويل
تعبير موضوع مقال برزنتيشن انجليزي قصير عن الرياضة
تعبير بالانجليزي عن رياضة المشي
تعبير عن الرياضة المفضلة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن رياضة المشي بالانجليزي
موضوع عن swimming
تعبير عن الرياضة بالانجليزي قصير جدا
GOOD FOR THE BODY: The sporting walk is a complete sport that allows you to muscle all your body: buttocks, thighs, calves and even arms when using the poles, this sport is perfect to refine and tone the silhouette. The sporting walk has many benefits for body and mind. Even if you walk at a fairly low pace (around 5 km / h), calories are spent by walking. At a rate of 6.5 km / h, 300 calories are burned during a one-hour session! 1 hour of daily walking is also equivalent, for example, in terms of calories expended at 23 minutes of cycling and 2 minutes of swimming.
GOOD FOR HEALTH: Walking is recognized as a non-traumatic sport for the body because it feels less stress on the joints. It is therefore a recommended activity even for people who have fragile back or knees. It also helps to work your endurance, your cardiovascular capacities and thus protect your heart. In addition, it is an easy sport for all: you just have to equip yourself with a pair of walking shoes to be ready to launch!
GOOD FOR THE SPIRIT: Finally, it is an activity that helps to de-stress you after a long day of work. It also allows you to aerate yourself since it is practiced outside: you can walk around a lake, along a river, in a park in the city, or in its neighborhood.

Sports walking is a type of walking that is practiced at a steady pace on a regular basis. In this sport, the movement is very specific is in three stages: the attack by the heel, the unfolding of the foot and the raise to the big toe. A foot is always in contact with the ground, so there is a transfer of the body weight from one foot to the other, but no shock with the ground. Want to know how to walk well? Everything is here!

For an occasional practice, a session of 1 to 2 hours can be performed each week, evening or weekend for example. For regular practice, the rhythm is increased to at least two or three hours a week. If you want to surpass yourself and if you are looking for performance, intensive practice requires several sessions a week at a steady rate (8 to 10 km per hour). Concretely, the practice of this sport is very simple: all the flat terrains can become the place of practice and you only need a pair of shoes adapted to your movement to start. You can also use Nordic walking sticks if you want to work the top of your body.

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