تعبير انجليزي عن نيوتن
اسحق نيوتن من الانجليزية
إسحق نيوتن مولد
ونشأة نيوتن حياة نيوتن المهنية
وفاة نيوتن إسحقنيوتن إسحق نيوتن هو عالم إنجليزي
بحث انجليزي عن نيوتن
نبذة مختصرة عن اسحاق نيوتن
معلومات عن نيوتن مختصرة
موضوع عن عالم مشهور باللغة الانجليزية
موضوع انجليزي عن العالم الخوارزمي
بحث عن العلماء باللغة الانجليزية
تعبير عن شخص مشهور بالانجليزي قصير
Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) is a philosopher, mathematician,
physicist and English astronomer. Its universal law of gravitation, explaining
the fall of bodies by gravitation, made it famous.
Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642 at Woolsthorpe Manor
near the town of Grantham in Lincolnshire (formerly the name of the Kingdom of
England). His parents were peasants.
At the age of eighteen he entered Trinity College in the city of
At twenty-five he became a bachelor of arts. It was also at
this time that the episode (most certainly legendary) of the apple that fell
from the tree on its head revealed the universal law of gravitation.
He meets important people, is appointed guardian of the currency of
England then master the following year. He became a member of the board of the
Royal Society of London and was elected president, a place he held until his
death. He is ennobled by royalty.
His main work
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy is one of the most
important scientific books ever published. This work contains the laws of
Newton's movement which formed the basis of classical mechanics as well as the
universal law of attraction (or gravitation). From these laws he also deduced
the laws of the motion of the planets. Many other things are also exposed: the
laws of shocks, the movement of fluids, the theory of tides, and so on.
One of his ideas defended
The discovery of the universal law of gravitation by Isaac Newton
made a considerable impression on the century. By discovering the laws of
gravitation, Newton has decreed that even laws could be found for human
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