2.1. Definition of Plagiarism:
Kidnapper” (the false assumption of authorship: the wrongful act of taking the product of another person’s mind, and presenting it as one’s own)

2.2. Consequences of Plagiarism
1. A Shameful Act.
2. Not Able To Develop Thoughts.
3. Dishonesty.
4. Deception.
5. Failure in the Assignment/Course.
6. Expulsion from College.
7. Public Embarrassment/Insult.
8. Spoils Relations.
9. Loss of Job.
10. Loss of Prestige.

2.4. Unintentional Plagiarism
The purpose of a research paper is to synthesize previous research and scholarship with your ideas on the subject. Therefore, you should feel free to use other person’s words, facts, and thoughts in your research paper, but the material you borrow must not be presented as if it were your own creation.

2.5. Forms of Plagiarism
The most blatant form of plagiarism is to obtain and submit, as yours own a paper
Written by someone else .other ,less conspicuous forms of plagiarism include the failure to give appropriate acknowledgment when repeating or paraphrasing another’s wording ,when taking a particularly apt phrase ,and when paraphrasing another’s argument or presenting another’s line of thinking .
  1-Repeating or paraphrasing wording
2- Taking a particularly apt phrase

2.7. Other issues
Other issues related to plagiarism include reusing a research paper, collaborative work, and copyright infringement.

You Have Plagiarized If:
1-you took notes that did not distinguish summary and paraphrase from quotation and then presented wording form the notes as if it were all your own.
2-while browsing the Web, you copied text and pasted it into your paper without quotation marks or without citing the source.
3-you presented facts without saying where you found them.
4-you repeated or paraphrased someone’s wording without acknowledgment.
5-you took someone’s unique or particularly apt phrase without acknowledgment.
6-you paraphrased someone’s argument or presented someone’s line of thought without acknowledgment.
7-you bought or otherwise acquired a research paper and handed in part or all of it as your own.

You Can Avoid Plagiarism By:
1- Making a list of the writers and viewpoints you discovered in your research and using this list to double –check the presentation of material in your paper.
2- Keeping the following three categories distinct in your notes, your ideas, your summaries of others’ material, and exact wording you copy.
3- Identifying the sources of all material you borrow –exact wording, paraphrases, ideas, arguments and fact.
4-checking with your instructor when you are uncertain about your use of sources.

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