تعبير بالانجليزي عن كرة الطائرة
موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن الكرة الطائرة  Volleyball
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مصطلحات كرة الطائرة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن volleyball بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الطائرة بالانجليزي
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موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن الكرة الطائرة Volleyball
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تقرير باللغة الانجليزية عن Volley Ball

 كرة الطائرة تاريخ لعبة كرة الطائرة ٣ البطولات
 موضوع عن volleyball بالانجليزي
موضوع عن كرة الطائرة بالانجليزي
معلومات عن كرة الطائرة
مصطلحات كرة الطائرة بالانجليزي
برجراف عن كرة الطائرة
تعبير عن الطائرة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن volleyball بالانجليزي
موضوع عن كرة بالانجليزي
معلومات عن كره الطائره
تعبير عن الطائرة بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن السفر بالطائرة
موضوع عن الطيران
سلبيات وايجابيات الطائرة بالانجليزي
جمله مفيده عن الطائره بالانجليزي
بحث عن اختراع باللغه الانجليزيه
تعبير عن كرة الطائرة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن اختراع بالانجليزي

قصة عن الطائرة للاطفال
تعبير بالانجليزي عن كرة الطائرة
مصطلحات كرة الطائرة بالانجليزي
معلومات عن كره الطائره

Volleyball is a collective sport involving two teams of six players2 separated by a net, who compete with a ball on a rectangular field of 18 meters long by 9 meters wide. With 269 million practitioners, it is one of the most practiced sports in the world3,

Possible faults


Volleyball: the team in blue attempts a counter (players 13 and 10) in front of the smash of player 7 in white; On both sides, the other players are in support (player no 5 side white, player no 8 side blue).

The exchange then continues until one of the two teams commits a foul. The most common faults are:

• lack of position: do not respect the correct placement of the players at the moment when the server hits the ball (example: player 1 must be behind the player in 2 and to the right of the player in 6);

• ball in: let the ball touch the ground within its boundaries;

• Foul of the four keys: press a fourth key before returning the ball to the opponent's court;

• ball out: send the ball so that it touches the ground outside the boundaries of the field, or a player sends a ball which then touches the antenna (commonly referred to as the test pattern);

• net foul: touching the white stripe that marks the top of the net between the sights with any part of the body or clothing (new rule applicable since 2009) (New change since 2015;

• penetration: entering the opponent's court unless a part of the foot is on the center line (under the net) or entering the opponent's space by hindering the opponent (touching the opponent's side with his hand) Is more in itself a fault, new rule applicable since 2009);

• fault of the two keys or double key: the same player touches the ball twice successively (excluding against and without the first key);

• Attacking error: A back-player (position 1, 5 or 6) attacks a ball higher than the net by being inside the attack zone delimited by the three-meter line He takes his call behind the 3-meter line), or the Libero makes a ten-finger pass within the three-meter zone that is attacked by a player over the net;

• ball held or carried or carried: the ball is inadequately touched by a player (all strikes must be straightforward, it is forbidden to catch the ball and then to raise it);

• lack of service too long: no service was provided by a team 8 seconds after the referee gave the signal (whistle and hand sign).

• Counterfeit: The player against the ball directly over the net on the opponent's service.

• line fault: when a rear player jumps within the 3 meter line when attacking, or when the server touches the outside line of the ground at the time of service.

A point is then scored and the team having scored that point wins (or keeps) the service. If this team did not have the service, the players of this team then rotate on the field in a clockwise direction (the 1 takes the place of the 6, which takes the place of the 5, etc.) . The service is then performed by the player passing from station 2 to station 1.

Technical moves

The pass

This is the basic key. The gesture consists of touching the ball in front of you, above the forehead, with the pulp of the fingers distributed on both sides of the ball. Contrary to what is visible, the movement of the arms essentially serves to damp the contact with the ball, to better control it and to ensure the direction of the pass. The power and the range of the pass comes from the supports, from the thrust of the legs at the moment of the contact. Prolonged contact with the ball is prohibited for volleyball. It is the only collective sport with this characteristic. Since the pass is more accurate than the cuff, it is increasingly used when receiving floating services (smashed or not).


This is the movement used when the ball is low or fast (reception of service, defense on a smash). The contact plane takes place at the level of the interior of the forearms, the arms being taut and being lower than the shoulders, forming an angle with the bust, this angle being variable according to the distance from the passer. The thrust is done at the level of the legs, while keeping the angle between the bust and the arms. The cuff is used to bring the ball to the passer who is going to make a pass. It is important to place right arms in order to obtain an effective cuff (which will not pass in a straight line on the other side of the net).

Often spectacular, Corsica is the defensive gesture used as a last resort, when the defender is in "crisis of time". It consists of dipping forward to slip his hand, palm clamped to the ground, under the balloon at the moment of the rebound, so that the latter does not touch the ground. The most probable reason for this appellation would come from the fact that the position of the body in this situation represents Corsica.
In French-speaking Belgium, the term used for this gesture is "sprawl". This word comes from the English sprawl which means "to spread", "to spread out".
Anglophones use the term pancake13.
The smash or the attack
This is the attack key. This is a very technical gesture, the ball being struck by the player while he is suspended. There are different types of attacks:
• the powerful attack, which seeks to force the cons, ie to prevent any recovery after it. It can also cause the block-out, that is, strike the hands of the bouncer so as to be diverted to the outside of the terrain.
• feigned attack, also called "roulette", which consists of simulating a powerful smash and cushioning his gesture at the last moment, in order to luff the block and surprise the defense;

• the attack placed at a point where the defense is unable to resume it

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