تعبير انجليزي عن حيوانك المفضل
موضوع تعبير عن حيوان باللغة الإنجليزية
أنواع وأصول عديدة للحصان فمنها: الحصان العربي والحصان الإنجليزي والحصان المهجن
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موضوع عن الارنب بالانجليزي قصير
تعبير عن الفيل بالانجليزي
معلومات عن الاسد بالانجليزي والعربي

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تعبير بالأنجليزي عن الحيوان

تقرير بسيط بالانجليزي عن

My favorite animal

 To my favorite animal ...

First, although I love all animals, the one I prefer is the horse. I love this animal because it is so majestic. Another reason why I love horses is because when I see a horse or when a person talks to his horse I always feel that the horse feels your emotions and understand what you are saying. I have difficulty resisting horses because they are so beautiful, so splendid. I appreciate very much their coat, their manes but especially their big sparkling eyes. Even if some people are afraid of horses because of their size, a horse can be very docile, which is the case most of the time. I am not afraid of horses even though I know there is a certain risk of danger with them. I have already taken riding lessons. It was fun and my passion for horses intensified. I would love to have a horse but unfortunately I do not have enough money, I live in town and my land is too small. I try to convince my grandmother to get one of these beautiful animals. I love all sorts of horses but I have a weakness for black horses. The reason why is because when I was younger I saw a movie with a black horse that really touched me so that's why I have a preference for black horses. If I had a mare, I would call her Flicka, which means beautiful girl. If it were a male I would call it Spirit. My grandparents say that having a horse is a lot of work because they had one at the time or my father was young but I would definitely be ready to work to have my wish.

Finally, I wish with all my strength that my grandparents get a horse but anyway, I will still try to buy one for myself one day. It would be great if my dream come true.

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