موضوع انجليزي عن احترام كبار السن
بحث أهمية احترام المسنين
 كبار السن آثار الكهولة على المسّن كيفية التعامل مع كبار السن
موضوع عن الاحترام بالانجليزي , بحث عن الاحترام بالانجليزي ,
تقرير عن الاحترام بالانجليزي

موضوع عن الاحترام بالانجليزي مترجم
جمل عن الاحترام بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن عن الاحترام قصير
عبارات الاحترام باللغة الانجليزية
حكم عن الاحترام بالانجليزي
برجراف عن احترام الصغار للكبار بالانجليزى
تعريف الاحترام بالانجليزي
موضوع عن عدم الاحترام
the importance of respect
برزنتيشن عن الاحترام بالانجليزي
برجراف عن احترام الشباب لكبار السن بالانجليزي
موضوع تعبير عن الاحترام بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن عن الاحترام قصير بالانجليزي
جمل عن الاحترام بالانجليزي
عبارات الاحترام باللغة الانجليزية
حكم عن الاحترام بالانجليزي
تعريف الاحترام بالانجليزي
تعبير انجليزي عن   human values
موضوع عن الاخلاق بالانجليزي قصير
موضوع عن الاخلاق قصير جدا بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الاخلاق الحميدة بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن عن الاحترام بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الاحترام بالانجليزي مترجم
برجراف عن الاخلاق
موضوع عن الاخلاق بالانجليزي قصير مترجم

موضوع عن الاخلاق الحسنة باللغة الانجليزية
موضوع تعبير عن احترام كبار السن بالانجليزي
موضوع تعبير عن احترام الكبير ، بحث عن احترام الكبير
موضوع انجليزي عن احترام كبار السن
موضوع عن كبار السن بالانجليزي
موضوع عن احترام كبار السن
تعبير عن كبار السن
موضوع عن الاحترام بالانجليزي مترجم
برجراف عن كبار السن بالانجليزي
موضوع عن مساعدة كبار السن بالانجليزي
موضوع عن كبار السن قصير
موضوع تعبير عن الاحترام بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن كبار السن
ضرورة احترام كرامة كبار السن في دور الرعاية
نص عن كبار السن تعبير بالانجليزي عن كبار السن
تعبير عن كبار السن موضوع انجليزي عن احترام كبار السن
موضوع عن احترام كبار السن
موضوع عن الاحترام بالانجليزي مترجم
موضوع انجليزي عن الاحترام
موضوع تعبير عن الاحترام بالانجليزي
تعبير عن احترام كبار السن
جمل عن الاحترام بالانجليزي

How to Respect the Elderly
Sometimes it can be difficult to understand the generations that have gone before us and feel that we have nothing in common with them. But the elderly are full of wisdom and knowledge that they want to share, which is why it is important that we respect them.

Interacting with unknown elderly people
Ask them how they want you to talk to them. Even if you grew up in a relaxed environment and call your loved ones by their first name, do not think it's appropriate for an elderly person. Some prefer a more traditional approach and are called M or Ms X or Y. It is therefore preferable to ask them the question [1].
• If you do not know how to ask them this question or if your interaction with this person is very short, prefer the polite formula using Mr or Mrs.

Submit your help. Older people are no longer as strong or skilled as they used to be, which can make some daily tasks very complicated. Offering your help can make life easier for them and show your respect for them [2].
• You can hold the door to the person who is following you, especially if it is an older person using a walking stick or walker.
• When you are on public transit, offer your seating to an elderly person who will surely need more than you.
• If you are in a store, you can offer an older person to take an item on the higher shelves. You can also propose to carry his bag and store his shopping in the trunk of his car.
Show yourself patient. The elderly do not walk as fast as you and cross the street so can take them a long time. Show yourself patient and respectful by not trying to squeeze them [3].
• If an older person takes more time to get on the bus or elevator, do not push it. Let her take her time so that she does not get hurt.
• Do not be impatient if an elderly person is in front of you in a queue. Be understanding and offer help with storing your groceries for example.
Do not imagine that these people are handicapped. Many older people have health problems and therefore need assistance, but not all of them. Imagine automatically that an elderly person has poor eyesight or hearing problems is condescending and may vex him (especially if you start shouting when you speak to him) [4].
• If you are not sure if an elderly person has sight or hearing problems, simply ask the question. This will help avoid unnecessary vexation.
Interact with a close old person
Go visit them. Elderly people often feel lonely because they no longer work and can not get out as easily. This is especially true for people living in nursing homes. Take the time to go and see them so they do not feel helpless [5].
• If you are busy, take the time to call them. You can even set a time that you can call each week so they know you're thinking about them.
1. Interest in their lives. One may mistakenly think that the elderly are not very busy. However, they are often still active and participate in many activities (even playing cards or walking in a park). So think about questioning them about their day when you go to visit them [6].
• If your loved ones have a passion, you can even offer them to participate. You will show that you are really interested in the things that excite them.
2. 3
Do not try to control their existence. Older people sometimes need your help (such as cleaning, filling out papers, etc.), but it does not make them children. Offer your help, but respect their choices as much as possible [7].
Method 3
Building on their experience
1. 1
Give importance to their opinions. The elderly are not disconnected from the rest of the world and their experience may bring you a different perspective that may help you solve a problem you are facing. [8]
• If you are not of the same opinion, do not try to convince her. Discuss calmly and express your point of view respecting each other.
1. Ask for advice. An elderly person can bring you very valuable advice from his or her experience. If you have a problem at school, in your couple or if you hesitate in your professional career, it is possible that she has gone through the same situations and can guide you in your choices [9].
2. 3
Learn about their traditions. Traditional customs are often passed on from generation to generation, and the elderly in your family probably know a lot about your ancestors. You can ask them questions about the customs of your family, but also about its origins, etc. [10].
• For example, you can make your family tree with an elderly person in your family. Refer to specialized sites that can be very useful in your research and ask older relatives if they remember some details.
• A small mark of affection such as a smile or greeting to an elderly person on the street will have a very significant impact. Try to get closer to the elderly around you.
• Do not be offensive to an elderly person on the assumption that she will not understand you. If you have to explain something (such as using a computer for example), be clear and use simple vocabulary without being condescending.
• A direct approach is sometimes the best way to show an older person that you understand it. Explain that you respect her and admire her so that she knows the value she has in your eye

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