تعبير انجليزي عن تسونامي
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كارثة تسونامي وآثارها
 أعنف الكوارث الطبيعية في التاريخ
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أقوى زلزال في تاريخ اليابان يضرب السواحل الشمالية
عبير انجليزي عن تسونامي
بحث عن تسونامي بالانجليزي
تعريف تسونامي بالانجليزي
what is tsunami
tsunami in japan
موضوع عن تسونامي كارثة ظاهرة طبيعية مدمرة اعصار
موضوع عن الزلازل بالانجليزي قصير
tsunami pdf
tsunami definition
A tsunami, a wave of the harbor, is a series of very long waves propagating through an aquatic environment (ocean, sea or lake), resulting from the sudden movement of a large volume of water. Or a volcanic explosion, and which can be transformed into destructive surges of very great height by reaching the coasts.
In deep water, the waves of the tsunami have a period (time separating each crest) counting in tens of minutes, but not more than a few decimetres in height. As they approach the coasts, their period and speed decrease, while their amplitude increases, their height can exceed 30 m2. They can then submerge the shore, flooding the low land, penetrating deep into the land, carrying everything in their path, in a succession of ebb and flow.
Tsunamis are among the most destructive disasters in history. Over the last four millennia, they totaled more than 600,000 victims, through at least 279 listed events2. The 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean is the most deadly disaster of the last 30 years, with over 250,000 victims.
In French, the term tidal wave is commonly used to describe tsunamis. However, due to its vagueness, because tsunamis and other phenomena of marine submersion are known as tsunamis, scientists have formalized the term tsunami in 1963 to designate the subject of this article.

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