تعبير انجليزي عن رياضة السباحه

اهمية ايجابيات رياضة محاسن ممارسة السباحة بحث انجليزي

موضوع السّباحة; أنواع السّباحة; فوائد السّباحة;

تعبير انجليزي عن هواية السباحه
تعبير انجليزي عن هواية السباحه
تعبير عن رياضة كرة القدم بالانجليزي
موضوع عن السباحة بالانجليزي قصير
تعبير عن رياضة المشي بالانجليزي
موضوع عن swimming
تعبير عن الرياضة المفضلة بالانجليزي
جمل عن السباحة بالانجليزي
فوائد السباحه بالانجليزي
تعبير عن السباحه

نصائِح عند مُمارسة رياضة ... من الفوائد الهامّة، عدا عن أنّها رياضةٌ

بحث عن فوائد  رياضة السباحة

موضوع انجليزي عن رياضة السباحة

أبغى تعبير عن رياضتك المفضلة

السباحة بحث انجليزي

 لعبتي المفضلة.

عبير انجليزي عن رياضة السباحه

تعبير عن هواية السباحة بالانجليزي

فوائد السباحه بالانجليزي

جمل عن السباحة بالانجليزي

موضوع عن swimming

تعبير عن رياضة بالانجليزي

عبارات عن السباحه بالانجليزي

Written production - written expression-Which sport would you like to practice-

Written production

What sport would you like to practice?

Write a short paragraph in which you will present your arguments to justify your choice

Proposed paragraph:

When asked what sport I prefer, I find it hard to answer because there are many that I like. Yet the one I would really like to practice is swimming. And this for several reasons.

First, because I find the water contact very pleasant. When you are in the pool, I feel that it is for fun and that the exercises are not difficult.

Then, everyone knows that it is a complete sport since it makes work all the parts of the body. I would like to be like the swimmers we watch on television: their bodies are muscular from head to foot. I find them strong and beautiful.

Swimming is a sport that develops the lungs and can even cure some respiratory diseases. Many doctors advise this sport to asthmatics and allergies

The benefits of training


You have surely already heard that swimming is a healthy sport, it may be one of your motivations to frequent the winter and summer pool. The effects are indeed multiple and concern both the physical and the mental. Here is a survey of the benefits of swimming.

On the cardiovascular system

• decreased heart rate at rest

• decreased blood pressure

• Improved traffic

Thanks to a regular practice of swimming, the power and efficiency of the heart increase. His work is facilitated at rest as well as at effort. Swimming can reduce certain risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

On the muscles and the skeleton

• maintain and develop joint mobility

• improved muscle tone

Swimming is a complete sport that allows a lot of muscles to work. Their tone improves soothing the bone structure, this can have a positive effect on knee, hip or back pain. It is also a very suitable sport to maintain the amplitude of the joints and reduce the risk of osteoarthritis. The absence of shock avoids stresses on the skeleton, which makes swimming practicable by the greatest number.

About the risks of overweight and diabetes

• high caloric expenditure during exercise

• improved metabolism.

• a significant reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Swimming allows long efforts ideal to burn a lot of calories. Driven muscles will also burn more calories at rest, so sports activity allows an increase in metabolism during and after exercise. Swimming alone will probably not be enough to lose weight, but it is essential to weight control. Type 2 diabetes is often due to overweight or lack of physical exercise, swimming will reduce the risk of the onset of this disease and will also allow the diabetic to improve his blood sugar balance.

On the Mind

• Provides fun

• improves self-esteem and stress management

• reduces anxiety and promotes healthy sleep patterns

• can build relationships

Physical activity allows you to pause, relax and change ideas. It is a moment of pleasure, we can leave the worries in the locker room and forget them for a moment. Physical spending promotes quality sleep, which also improves the psychological balance. In addition, sport often creates links with other practitioners. As for the competition activities, they also have special psychological advantages, for example they allow to learn to better regulate the stress.


The benefits of practicing sports are therefore multiple and swimming has particular advantages especially in the muscular and articular. It is not necessarily necessary to train very intensively to start benefiting, 3 sessions of 30 minutes per week at moderate intensity may suffice to feel the first positive effects. However these will not appear immediately and it will be necessary to be regular and to practice for several months.

Contraindications to the practice of swimming are very rare. For a swimming practice in a club, a medical certificate is compulsory. For a practice in a free environment, a consultation is nevertheless advised especially after 40 years because the cardiovascular risks become more important.

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