تعبير بالانجليزي عن سيارتي
وصف سيارة
 موضوع بالانجليزي عن السيارات
تعبير بالانجليزي عن سيارتي
وصف السيارة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن my car
تعبير عن السيارة وفوائدها بالانجليزي
فوائد السيارة بالانجليزي
paragraph about car
ايجابيات وسلبيات السيارة بالانجليزي
paragraph about my car
جمل عن السيارة بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن السيارة
تعبير عن السيارة وفوائدها بالانجليزي
تعبير عن my car
تعبير عن السياره
تعبير عن سيارتي بالانجليزي
فوائد السيارة بالانجليزي
paragraph about car
ايجابيات وسلبيات السيارة بالانجليزي
جمل عن السيارة بالانجليزي
إيجابيات وسلبيات وسائل النقل
إيجابيات وسلبيات لتجارة السيارات
يجابيات وسلبيات السيارة بالانجليزي
ايجابيات وسلبيات وسائل النقل بالانجليزي
ايجابيات وسلبيات الطائرة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن السيارة بالانجليزي
ايجابيات السيارة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن السيارة وفوائدها بالانجليزي
فوائد السيارة بالانجليزي
advantages and disadvantages of cars
تعبير عن my car

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the car

Of course, a car makes transporting people much easier, since it allows any driver to travel from one point to another quickly and easily, in the comfort of his seat, while listening to music, but Car does not present only advantages. Indeed, although the benefits of using a car are well known because of the permanent marketing campaigns of suppliers, there are also many disadvantages that we hardly ever talk about, but that concern us all.

Here is a list of the various advantages and disadvantages of the car for us individually and for the company.

Advantages of the car
If the car, in its beginnings, was a luxurious object reserved for the people who could afford it, mass production, initiated by Taylorisme and undertaken by Ford, made this toy accessible to the majority of people, And the growing phenomenon, we will count with the appearance of 50 million cars before the Second World War. In 2011, annual world car production would have reached 76 million units. The utility of the car will then cover all the activities of the displacements.
It allows to move very easily with little effort.
We take our car, which makes ... a comfortable and pleasant place where one feels good and paradoxically safe.
People who have a driver's license are much more likely to find a job. At the same time, employers can easily hire highly mobile staff at low cost: just ask the employee to use his own car and offer him a poor return in return.
It allows families to travel at low cost.
It allows to be independent and provides a true sense of freedom.
It provides access to otherwise inaccessible locations.
It allows easy movement of objects, shopping and shopping, which contributes to the smooth functioning of the capitalist economy.
Disadvantages of the car

The car is the single most polluting means of transport and the cause of much of the CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
The car in town is in some cases less fast because of traffic jams. These congestion are the cause of frustration and stress in the driver.
The car grows to inactivity and is therefore a cause of climbing obesity in the population. Walking, cycling or taking public transportation make you spend calories, while the car, no.
The massive use of the car in developed countries without enough reserve on their own soil pushes Western countries to military and economic colonialism in order to ensure the constant supply of oil and the good health of their economy dependent.
The car disconnects the driver from the real reality in which he finds himself. In his car, it is rare to have spontaneous social contacts with the people who surround us and this pushes to hyperindividualism.
The car is one of the first causes of accidental death.
The car can be a weapon in the hands of someone who loses his abilities.
The car is in constant competition with the Man, but the road usually triumphs over parks and living spaces.
The car is very expensive and it will not stop! Calculate how much your car costs, insurance, gasoline, maintenance costs, repairs, etc. That's a huge part of the household budget!
The car has favored the emergence of American-style shopping centers located outside the city and usually built for the happiness of motorists-consumers.

In short, the car is an object like any other that has advantages and disadvantages. However, we must not forget that the number of drivers worldwide is increasing, but that the planet's capacities are saturated and can no longer absorb all the carbon dioxide generated by the car and our way of life. Life. It is therefore necessary to learn to use his car only when necessary and to favor public transport, walking or cycling for daily trips.

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