تعبير انجليزي عن the arabian oryx
تعبير انجليزي عن the arabian oryx
حيوان المها بالانجليزي
arabian oryx endangered
ترجمة the oryx is back
اسم حيوان المها بالانجليزي
معلومات عن المها العربي
مها أبو حراب
nubian ibex
المها العربية (الاسم العلمي: Oryx leucoryx) هي إحدى أنواع الظباء، المنتمية لفصيلة البقريات

The Arabian Oryx (Oryx leu oryx) is an Asian ungulate close to the antelope. At the beginning of the twentieth century, this animal occupied the peninsula, northern Kuwait and Iraq. It is the only non-African representative of the genus of the oryx (maha in Arabic), the other species being subservient to the deserts and semi-deserts of North, East and South Africa. The oryx lives in a herd of about 60 animals. Herbivorous and very suitable for dry environments, it is able to remain without drinking for long periods.
Oryx leu oryx people the deserts and arid plains of its range.
This bovid feeds on grass, roots and tubers in which it finds part of its water. Hay is also offered in captivity, as well as a number of vegetables.
Size weight
At adulthood the Arabian Oryx is about 70 kilograms for a height at the withers of 1 meter (without the horns, very long in this species).

Very adapted to its arid and desert environment, it is a species that can remain long periods without drinking. The animal is able to detect rain at great distances and to reach the watered areas to feed on new shoots.

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