Is Kevin from upstairs a girl?




Is Kevin from upstairs a girl?

Why do you want the bird in UP?

Where are you going next?

Why is it a great movie?

Where is the good house above?

How many balloons does it take to lift a pound?

How do hot air balloons change direction?

How dangerous is a hot air balloon?

When is the best time to fly in a hot air balloon?

Is Kevin from upstairs a girl?


Although Kevin is female, her appearance is based on the male Himalayan Monal Pheasant. Many sources, including Peter Docter's study guide on Up, say Kevin's species is the mythical "Snipe", a fictional bird created to send mindless humans hunting wild geese.


Why do you want the bird in UP?


Muntz was a famous 1930s explorer and adventurer whom Carl and Ellie looked up to as children. Disgraced, Muntz declared in front of an oversized crowd that he would return to Paradise Falls to retrieve the bird, swearing that he would not return without a live specimen to prove he was right.


Where are you going next?


He travels to South America in his airship to bring the monster back alive, but it is never seen again. Eventually, Carl grows up and marries Ellie. They promise to go to Paradise Falls together and build a house there.


Why is it a great movie?


Giacchino's magical music, beautiful animation, and fun characters certainly help, but that editing, the fact that everything has a deeper meaning, and the sheer freshness of it all are the main reasons why this film is considered one of the best Pixar movies. Really high praise!


Where is the good house above?


Carl and Ellie would be proud to see this gorgeous replica of their home created by Disney's ultimate fans - Lynette Hamblin and her family. Living in the heart of Herriman, Utah, these fun folks aren't shy about showing off their home.


How many balloons does it take to lift a pound?


33 balloons


How do hot air balloons change direction?


Hot air balloons have no built-in mechanism to control or propel them. It uses wind speed and direction to propel itself. But that doesn't mean the pilots let the ball wander just anywhere. At different altitudes, the wind speed and direction are different.


How dangerous is a hot air balloon?


Hot Air Balloons: The Dangers Although hot air balloon accidents are rare, they do happen and can result in devastating and sometimes fatal injuries. Even hard landings can lead to whiplash, upper and lower limb fractures, and traumatic brain injury (TBI).


When is the best time to fly in a hot air balloon?


Most hot air balloon rides take place between April and October. You can fly in the winter, but the weather is likely to be worse. The best weather for hot air balloon rides is blue skies, light winds and little or no rain. Strong winds and heavy rain make flying too dangerous and pilots take no risks.

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