What are the right actions to protect yourself effectively from the sun?

Anti sunburn creamA real invitation to relax, the sun can play a less beneficial role on health in the absence of precautions intended to protect against it.


Enjoy the sun safely


The sun that shines all day long makes holidaymakers happy. Those who are not lucky enough to go to the seaside, a lake or the mountains can enjoy a day on the terrace or in the garden. However, it is advisable to protect oneself from its rays which can represent a danger for the skin.


The sun and its dangers


Who hasn't dreamed of spending their holidays in the sun, with their feet fanned out while sipping a cold drink? However, the two ultraviolet rays from the sun, namely UVA and UVB, cause high doses of sunburn, and even certain skin diseases and eye lesions.


This is not why you have to stay cloistered at home when the weather is splendid outside, you just need to take certain precautions to prevent the risks caused by the sun on your health... and do not forget that even with tanned skin, you are not immune to sunburn.


How to protect yourself from the sun?


The caress of the sun on the skin provides a pleasant feeling and invites you to relax. To enjoy it without risk, you should follow these tips:


Adopt the right hours: the UV rays emitted by the sun are most dangerous when the star is at its peak, that is to say between noon and 4 p.m. It may be the perfect time to take a nap in the shade or to prepare the program for the evening!

Limit the exposure time: basking on the edges of a swimming pool or on the beach all day is really not ideal for your health. Indeed, the accumulation of the duration of exposure increases the risk of catching a sunburn, prefer rather small sessions in the sun spaced out.

Cover up well: don't forget the panoply of the perfect vacationer, namely a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, t-shirt and shorts, for the whole family. Opt for light-colored clothing that offers optimal protection. Do not neglect the parasol which covers you with its beneficial shade.

Pay attention to children and babies: due to the fragile nature of their skin, they are particularly vulnerable to sunburn. Remember to protect them because the harmful effects of the sun can persist for years after exposure and have consequences on their skin or eyes.

Use the right sunscreen: choose products with a sun protection factor (SPF) of over 25. Apply a thick layer all over your body, half an hour before exposure. Don't forget to do it again every two hours and after swimming. Choose the cream that suits your skin type and your sensitivity to the sun.

Beware of false protection: cloudy weather, the presence of wind or a cool temperature does not mean reduction of UV rays. There is therefore no question of leaving your usual means of protection to oblivion! Also pay attention to the reverberation which increases the effects of the sun. These include snow and wave foam which reflect 80% and 25% of UV rays respectively.

What to do in case of sunburn?


First of all, it is important to differentiate sunburn from sun allergy, which is generally caused by a product or medication that your skin does not tolerate, or UVA rays. It is usually characterized by a rash and itching.


As for the sunburn, it is a burn of the skin generated by the ultraviolet rays UVB which penetrate there in depth. There are three forms, depending on the degree of burn. If your skin is red and peeling, and the redness disappears as soon as you press on it, it's a first degree burn. In the event that blisters appear immediately after exposure or in the hours that follow, your skin is burned either superficially in the second degree if you feel pain when you press on the blister which whitens, or more deeply if you feel no pain.


In case of sunburn, it is necessary to go in the shade and cool the inflamed area with water for at least a quarter of an hour, until the pain disappears. If the burn affects a large part of the body, opt for a lukewarm bath, not too cold.


If the burn is first degree, spread a sedative ointment on the affected area and avoid any exposure in the following days because the skin is still fragile. For a second degree burn, any risk of infection must be prevented by cleaning the blisters with mild soap or with a dermal antiseptic. Either way, drink plenty to avoid dehydration and monitor your temperature frequently. If necessary, consult a doctor.


The sun often offers a festive and joyful dimension to holidays, weekends or quite simply to sporting activities, but without protection, its rays can be harmful. The ACS site presents valuable advice for enjoying the sun and its rays without harming your health.


And you, do you have any remedies to relieve the skin after sunburn?


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