Post-health crisis: what changes should be considered in the organization of work?

The arrival of Covid-19 and the implementation of containment have shaken up the world of work and the habits of employees. At a time of deconfinement, it is worth asking whether the changes made under the pressure of the epidemic will last or whether the "world after" will finally resemble the "world before".
A more flexible and digital business
If the confinement has shaken up the company, it has above all allowed it to continue its activity outside the walls, for those who could. The post-health crisis should therefore see the business world become more flexible but also more digital than before, so as not to be caught off guard in the event of a new crisis.
The use of teleworking facilitated
The confinement favored the almost systematic implementation of teleworking for the trades which could do so. Even the most cautious companies could not help but follow the movement.
After the health crisis, teleworking should continue, even in initially refractory companies. Indeed, it is a safe bet that telework is now anchored in new business organizations. On the one hand, employees have become accustomed to this new way of working. On the other hand, the company logically did not notice any decrease in the productivity of the teams who used it throughout the confinement. Be that as it may, if it is not established on a permanent basis, telework is now seen in a better light than before the health crisis.
Third places to explore
The corporate world with premises and a designated place for each employee may be on the decline. Telework has shown that location does not matter as much as it seemed before the health crisis.
Working from home, in a coworking space or on company premises? Flexibility will also be leveling real estate. The use of different workspaces on a daily basis will also allow a much faster and simpler adaptation in the event of a new health crisis – a possibility to be taken into account.
tools to develop
Who says remote work, necessarily says use of digital tools to keep the link. Containment has allowed companies to familiarize themselves with many digital tools – which should not be forgotten to use, even after the health crisis. When, before, you traveled to meet customers, you can now focus on digital solutions. This is a huge time and money saver. And if telework becomes more entrenched in the organization of the company, these tools will prove to be all the more useful.
If everyone had to learn the use of these tools "on the job", it can be interesting to offer a much more complete training to employees who want it.
Towards a reinvention of the profession of manager?
The implementation of remote work has forced managers to manage their teams in a different way. It was necessary to give more autonomy to employees while remaining attentive to the maximum. The post-health crisis will lead managers to be even more attentive and show empathy towards employees who may have been tested by this difficult period.
Another important element to address during the post-crisis business recovery: transparency on the state of the company and the new objectives. During the confinement, companies were shaken on several levels, in particular economic. Depending on the size of the company, the manager may be required to talk about the internal organization to come, changes in activity (decline or increase) and the challenges that will have to be overcome. Transparency after such a vague period is an excellent way to unite teams around a common goal: to restart the activity or, at least, to stabilize it.
The human at the center of digital transformation?
While some have enjoyed working remotely, others really need physical interaction to carry out their missions and feel part of a structure. If there is digital transformation and systematic use of telework, it is necessary to prevent certain risks such as demotivation, depression and anxiety. The manager has an essential role to play here, to support the employees and accompany them as best as possible in their daily tasks.

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