Auto insurance: what are the most common types of damage?
Collision, glass breakage, vandalism ... Whether or not you are an occasional driver, certain claims can quickly generate very significant repair costs. In your auto insurance contract, you have the possibility of covering yourself against a certain number of damages within the framework of more or less extensive formulas. Overview of the most common claims to which your vehicle is exposed and which may be covered by your insurance!
Claims excluding accidents
You don't have to be driving to suffer an automobile accident: even parked, your vehicle is exposed to various risks. Each of the following claims is the subject of a specific guarantee with insurers, the scope and terms of which should be carefully considered in your contract.
This is the most feared disaster, especially in town - and especially for two-wheelers. The theft of a vehicle results in its disappearance, whether the person responsible is identified or not.
The conditions surrounding coverage against theft are complex and differ between insurers - be sure to read your policy carefully to find out its scope. Since the sums involved are large, insurance often requires strict prerequisites.
This warranty may be void for various reasons, in particular if you have not taken the necessary measures to prevent theft (starting with properly closing the windows and the car). Some insurers require the installation of a burglar alarm, an immobilizer, an additional lock on the steering wheel or the wheels, even the etching of the windows ... and this by approved and approved service providers.
To apply the theft cover, the insured must file a complaint and notify their insurer within a maximum of 2 days, otherwise they may not be compensated.
Furthermore :
If the vehicle is not found, you will be compensated and must return the remaining parts of the vehicle to the insurance (registration card, keys, etc.);
If it is found, you are required to recover it if it is in working order, and the insurance will compensate for any damage;
If it is found after 30 days and compensation has already been paid, you can choose between returning the compensation to the insurer, or handing over the vehicle to them for resale.
Like theft, vandalism is a nightmare for any car or motorcycle owner ... The extent of the damage can obviously vary greatly from one situation to another.
In some cases, you may be penalized with less compensation or an additional deductible, for example if your car was parked improperly or if it was driven by an undeclared driver.
Fire or explosion
For various reasons, your vehicle may suffer a fire or even an explosion, rendering it partially or totally unusable. The origin of the incident can be of two kinds:
Accidental: electrical short-circuit, malfunction (in particular of the air conditioning), or even exterior fire, lightning, etc.
Malicious: vandalism, attack ...
A specific guarantee covers you against these risks. It does not come into play if the insured person is the cause of the fire on purpose, or if the fire is the result of negligence, in particular a lack of maintenance of the vehicle. In the event of a malicious origin, you will be asked to file a complaint with the police.
You will be compensated at the value of the vehicle on the day of the loss, or at a fixed value provided for in the contract.
More rarely, your vehicle can be damaged in the context of a disaster or large-scale event that affects many other victims.
Your vehicle may first be affected by a natural disaster. The name encompasses the following events: thunderstorms, storms, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis, avalanches, hail, hurricanes ...
Compensation is conditional on the publication of an interministerial order in the Official Journal confirming the state of natural disaster in the area where your vehicle was located. The claim must be made within 10 days of the publication of this decree.
The costs covered may include repairs and technical inspections, as well as clearing and demolition costs. If the vehicle is out of condition, you will also be compensated at the value of the vehicle on the day of the loss, or at a fixed value provided for in the contract.
For this type of event, there is a legal deductible set by ministerial order. It amounts to € 380 for an individual.
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