DryShine Waterless Cleaner: A Successful Test!

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Ah, the month of March! It's still a little too cold to pull out the garden hose and wash your car, but nice enough to want it to be clean.
This is where waterless products come in!
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Products that allow you to clean your car only with rags have been on the market for a long time, but in recent years, we have seen the arrival of dozens of the most effective brands, due to numerous advances in silicone and other chemicals.
So, to clean your vehicle with these kinds of products, all that matters is that it is not too cold. Generally, we aim for an outside temperature of 5 degrees Celsius. That said, the effectiveness of these products remains limited if the car is too dirty, as is often the case in Quebec at the end of winter.

This is where the difference between a good product and an "ordinary" product is made. In search of the rare pearl, we came across a DryShine, a Quebec brand. After putting it to the test, here are our thoughts.

How it works?

Most of the time, a waterless detergent is a liquid containing various chemical compounds that envelop the dirt, which can then be removed by simply wiping a cloth. To reduce the risk of scratches, these products employ various types of lubricants, sealants and waxes so that dirt, when lifted, does not come in contact with the clear coat of paint. What's more, they usually leave behind a layer of protective wax.
In fact, this protection is not very durable, and is mainly used to make the paint shine. Moreover, while these products are suitable for a small layer of dust, they fail to prevent scratches when the car is really dirty. However, there are exceptions.
DryShine is a Quebec cosmetic and other chemical products company that sells its merchandise all over the world. It aims to offer products without compromise, using the most appropriate chemical molecules for a task, even if it means pushing up the price.

There are tens of thousands of types of silicones that can be found in a waterless cleaner. Some are low end, others quite a bit more expensive, and that’s the difference.

Often, those who say they are disappointed with a product have not read the instructions ... It is important to follow them, because not all waterless cleaners work the same. DryShine is quite easy to use.

The most important thing in this case is to make sure that your car is not in the hot sun, and that the body is not too hot. DryShine takes a few tens of seconds to act before it is removed. If the body is too hot, the product will evaporate before you do what it needs to do, leaving behind wax residue that you will need to clean up.
Either way, the DryShine cleaner has a special feature. It is in aerosol, which unlike a vaporizer, provides optimal coverage. This was the best way to allow the different molecules found in this product to work together.
To use it, you make sure your car is in the shade, you put on some great music, and most importantly, you work one section at a time! Pick a small section, cover it with a thin layer of the product, give it a few seconds to act, and before it dries, wipe with a clean microfiber cloth to remove dirt. Avoid back and forth movements.
Without putting too much pressure, go in a slow pass to get it all out. Then, taking another dry microfiber cloth, buff the section you just washed. You will obtain a clean, shiny surface, and protected by a layer of wax.
You just have to repeat this process all over the car, and it will be as clean as if you had used water. Be sure to change the cloth whenever it gets dirty. This will reduce the risk of scratching your paint.
But beware! If your car is covered in mud, it is best to rinse it with water first. Because with this type of washing, the dirt collects in the rags. There is only so much they can accumulate!


DryShine is a little more expensive than its rivals. Sold for $ 15, it gives about 8 washes per can, depending on the size of your vehicle.

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