Visa B1 for business visitors
At Veilleux Immigration, we want to make sure that you get the right type of visa for the application you want to make for your business and your employees.
With our legal expertise, our personalized approach and our competitive rates, your business will be in good hands.
What is a B1 visa for business visitors?
It is possible to obtain a work permit exemption for certain Canadian employees on a business trip to the United States. Indeed, the B1 visa is available to any employee who stays in the United States for less than six months.
Any B1 visa applicant can offer certain services in the sectors of activity opposite:
the sale of Canadian products or services;
after-sales services or related to a product warranty;
participation in conventions, business meetings, conferences or seminars;
negotiating contracts;
On the other hand, to obtain this visa, you must follow and respect strict conditions:
Your employee or representative of your company cannot be paid by an American company or go to the United States on a permanent basis;
Your employee or manager of your company cannot stay more than six months with a B1 visa.
The B1 visa application is made directly at the US border. You must therefore make sure you have all the necessary documents when you submit your application.
How can Veilleux Immigration get you a B1 business visitor visa?
Our team offers you the opportunity to prepare the necessary documents to submit your application for the B1 visa when you arrive at the US border:
We have a turnkey approach, we take care of everything;
We are preparing documentation for you to present to the US border officer.
Why is it beneficial to do business with us?
Our approach will be personalized according to the needs of your business.
Our rates are competitive and they will allow you to withdraw a complete request with the best price.
We will accompany you throughout the process, as we have done with several companies from here and elsewhere.
What do you get out of doing business with us?
You will be sure that your file has been put together in good and due form;
You will have obtained legal advice tailored to your needs at a competitive rate;
You will have the peace of mind of knowing that an immigration lawyer takes care of preparing your visa application.
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