Insurance Auto - Louisiana USA 

What’s Inside
What do I do first?____________________________2
Insurance buying tips
From our consumer hotline ____________________3
What insurance do I have to buy? _______________4
Liability coverage
What about other coverages? ___________________4
Medical payments coverage
Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage
Uninsured/Underinsured motorist property coverage
Towing and labor coverage
Comprehensive coverage
Collision coverage
Louisiana Automobile Insurance Plan
Rental reimbursement
What if I don’t have proper coverage?____________7
Does my coverage fit my needs? ________________8
What factors affect my premium? _______________8
What kinds of discounts can I get? ______________9
What if I am involved in an accident? ___________ 10
Cancellation and nonrenewal __________________ 10
Auto insurance shopping worksheets ___________ 12

Insurance Auto - Louisiana USA

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