Essentials Car Insurance

Making a privacy complaint
We accept that sometimes we can get things wrong. If you have a
concern about your privacy you have the right to make a complaint and
we’ll do everything we can to put matters right.
We’ll review your situation and try to resolve it straight away. If you’ve
raised the matter already and it hasn’t been resolved to your
satisfaction, please contact:
Customer Relations
Commonwealth Bank Group
Reply Paid 41
Sydney NSW 2001
Telephone 1800 805 605
Facsimile 1800 028 542
For further information on how to make a privacy complaint and how
we deal with your complaint please refer to Group’s Privacy Policy.
5. Page 13 – ‘Step 3:’ under ‘Complaints and dispute resolution
processes’ is replaced with:
Step 3: If you are dissatisfied with the decision from our internal
dispute resolution process, please let us know. Alternatively you can
contact the Financial Ombudsman Service Limited (FOS) – you will
need to make contact with them within two years of receiving our final
decision. You can contact the FOS by calling 1300 780 808 or by
writing to:
Financial Ombudsman Service Limited (FOS)
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
You can also fax the FOS on 03 9613 6399 or visit the website
6. Page 18 – under ‘Part 3: Meanings of words and phrases we
use frequently’ the meaning of Market value is replaced with:
Market value means the amount it will cost to replace your vehicle
taking into account the age, make, model and the condition of your
vehicle immediately prior to the loss or damage.
Market value includes:
• Goods and Services Tax (GST),
• Cost of registration and Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance.
Market value does not include:
• warranty costs,
• amount of stamp duty that would be levied on purchase of a
replacement vehicle,
• transfer fees.
7. Page 21 – ‘Part 4: What the policy doesn’t cover – general
exclusions’, point 11 is replaced with:
11. Loss or damage to your vehicle’s tyres caused by road cuts,
punctures, bursts or braking.
8. Page 22 – ‘Part 4: What the policy doesn’t cover – general
exclusions’, point 20 is replaced with:
20. Loss, damage or liability arising as a result of faulty repairs to your
vehicle, unless we have authorised the repairs.
9. Page 29 – ‘5.2.4 Towing and storage costs’ is replaced with:
5.2.4 Towing and storage costs
This applies to Comprehensive Cover and Third Party Property
Damage, Fire and Theft Cover.
What we cover
If your vehicle is damaged as a result of an insured event in the period
of insurance causing your vehicle to be unroadworthy or unsafe to
drive, and we have accepted a claim for damage to your vehicle, we
will pay the reasonable cost of removing and towing your vehicle to
and storing your vehicle at:
• our chosen repairer, or
• any other place to which we agree.
10. Page 30 – ‘5.2.7 Personal effects and clothing’ is replaced with:
5.2.7 Personal effects and clothing
This applies to Comprehensive Cover.
What we cover
If we accept your claim under accidental collision or impact damage
(see page 23, section 5.1.1) or theft or attempted theft (see page 23,
section 5.1.3) you are insured for loss of or damage to your and your
family’s personal effects and clothing which are:
• damaged in a collision involving your vehicle,
• stolen from your locked vehicle with evidence of forced entry, or
• stolen at the same time as your vehicle.
We will choose between repairing or replacing the property, or paying
you its value in cash after allowing for wear, tear and depreciation.
If we agree to pay a claim under this cover, the most we will pay in
respect of any one event is $500.
What we don’t cover
We will not cover:
• mobile phones,
• computers (including laptops),
• cash, credit/debit cards or negotiable instruments,
• tools of trade or items used for business purposes,
• baby capsules and child seats (standard cover applies – see page
32, 5.2.11 Baby capsule/s and child seat/s).
11. Page 35 – ‘5.3.4 Restricted drivers’ is replaced with:
5.3.4 Restricted drivers
You will not be covered for any loss of or damage to your vehicle
whilst it is being driven by a person who is under 30 years of age.
However, we will provide cover if your vehicle is being driven by, or in
the control of, a person under 30 years of age:
• in the course of a mechanical service,
• paid by you to repair or test your vehicle,
• in the course of providing a valet parking service,
• who is an attendant at a car park, or
• who is subsequently convicted of theft or illegal use of your vehicle.
This option is not available in the following circumstances:
• for certain vehicle types (for example, certain high-performance
vehicles), or
• if you have any declared drivers under 30 years of age on
your policy.
A reduced premium applies if this option is selected

Essentials Car Insurance

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