Comprehensive Car Insurance

Supplementary Product
Disclosure Statement
This is a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) issued by Guild Insurance Limited
ABN 55 004 538 863, AFS Licence No 233 791 of Level 13, 171 Collins Street, Melbourne,
Victoria 3000.
This SPDS supplements the ‘Comprehensive Car Insurance’ Product Disclosure Statement and
Policy booklet (PDS) dated 1 October 2015 (GLD2054 10/15) and must be read together with
that PDS and any other SPDS we may issue supplementing that PDS.
The purpose of this SPDS is to advise you of changes to the factors we may take into account
from 1 October 2015 when we calculate the premium for your comprehensive car insurance.
This SPDS was prepared on 23/09/2015.
Changes to the PDS
Replace the table on page 6 with the following table:
The suburb where your vehicle is kept Lower risk suburb Higher risk suburb
How you garage your vehicle Off street parking On street parking
The make and model of your vehicle Lower risk vehicle Higher risk vehicle
The estimated distance your vehicle travels each year Lower kilometres Higher kilometres
The number of days you use your vehicle to drive to work Few Everyday
The value of your vehicle Lower value Higher value
The way you insure your vehicle Market value Agreed value
Your driver rating Lower rating Higher rating
Age and gender of the driver(s) Lower risk age group Higher risk age group
Security devices fitted to your vehicle Approved security devices that
reduce the risk of theft
No security devices
The amount of your optional excess An optional excess is taken N/A
Optional covers selected None Some
Your claims and accident history Had no claims or accidents Had some claims or accidents

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