برزنتيشن عن عمان في الماضي والحاضر

Oman about to become the Switzerland of the Middle East? 
Unlike other Gulf petro-monarchies, the Omani Sultanate did not join Saudi-led Arab coalition against Houthi rebels in Yemen. A true political choice in perfect conformity with the position of neutrality that the Sultanate wishes to occupy.
The apparent neutrality adopted by Oman in the conflict in Yemen is not a first in the history of the sultanate. During the first Gulf War between Iran and Iraq (1980-1988), the Sultanate of Oman had already been careful not to take a position. While Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain had sided with Iraq, the Sultanate of Oman had chosen to adopt a neutral attitude towards the two protagonists. The Sultan Qaboos had even pronounced at the time for a lifting of the embargo and the return of Iraq in the bosom of golf diplomacy .
Upon his accession to the throne in 1970, Sultan Qaboos had given the   the   From Oman's diplomacy   : "   No mimicry, no leap into the unknown, but pragmatism and empiricism (...).Independence and sovereignty are the keys to Oman's foreign policy.   Drawing on the consequences of the British occupation and the influence of the outside powers, the Sultan has repeatedly stated that he does not want Oman to be involved.   in the conflicts between great powers   "Or that it is"   put at the service of the interests of other countries   ".

Today, Oman is the only Gulf petro-monarchy not to be engaged alongside Riyadh in the Arab coalition against Houthi rebels in Yemen. Hasni Abadi , political scientist, specialist of the Arab world and director of Cernam , specifies that "   Oman did not oppose the Riyadh-led coalition but decided not to be part of it to preserve harmony between the Ibadi and Sunni communities, and its role as a broker of peace   ", The sultan fearing the presence of collateral damage. Trigane Yegavian , Middle East specialist for the Conflicts Review, justifies Oman's attitude that "   the country's security is a top priority   ". The strategic vision of Oman's diplomatic policy is therefore explained by the presence of internal and external interests. Apart from the fear of a destabilization of the country linked notably to difficulties of community order, the proximity of the sultanate with Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iran makes it possible to envisage the contours of its foreign policy. Oman has common borders with Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and shares with Iran the Strait of Hormuz. Also, for Mr.Yegavian , "   the small state's foreign policy traditionally follows a logic of non-alignment, of non-engagement in regional conflicts   ". Already, in 2011, Oman «   did not want to send troops to Bahrain to quell the popular protest   ".
Close economic links
The "   Oman's non-participation in the offensive against Yemen is part of the same logic of independence   He adds. As part of the Arab coalition, the Sultanate of Oman continues   his own autonomous way at the risk of crushing Riyadh   ".
Vis-à-vis Yemen, Oman seems to pursue the strategic vision defined by Sultan Qaboos in 2002 during his speech to the annual meeting of Oman. The latter insisted on the presence of   ties of friendship uniting Oman and Yemen   ". The Sultan therefore opposed the establishment of an armed intervention supporting the policy defined by the UN, stating that "   negotiations are still the only option to resolve the Yemeni crisis   And thus inviting   all parties and all member states to avoid taking measures that would undermine the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen   ".

Behind this apparent desire to ease tensions in the Middle East, the stabilization of regional balances would allow Oman to satisfy its economic and strategic interests. By not taking part in the international coalition, the Sultanate of Oman spares Iran with which it has developed economic cooperation. Yes "   Oman considers Iran a strategic threat to the region   ", he prefers "   manage the threat by fostering strong working relations with Tehran, illustrated by the implementation of close economic ties   According to Thomas Flichy , specialist on the Iranian question. Iran and Oman co-manage the Strait of Hormuz, which equates to 40   % of world oil exports. Oman is increasing its military cooperation with Iran to protect access to the Strait of Hormuz. In Oman, in March 2014, "  Iranian President Hassan Rohani is said to have signed a cooperation agreement that calls for Iran to deliver 10 billion cubic meters of gas for 25 years   », According to Trigane Yegavian . This project would be concretized by the   construction of a gas pipeline connecting the Iranian deposits to the port of Sohar and the construction of several petrochemical platforms   ".
Safe links
Apart from the economic aspect, Oman - member of the Gulf Cooperation Council - wishes to develop "   safe links with the riparian countries of the Persian Gulf   According to Thomas Flichy .The sultanate displays the will of   neutralize threats to regional stability   ", According to Yégavian , posing in particular in"   privileged interlocutor between the United States and Iran   ".
As a mediator and peacemaker on the international scene, Oman has brilliantly displayed the outlines of its diplomatic policy with regard to Iran's nuclear power. At the initiative of the secret talks between Americans and Iranians, the Iran nuclear agreement concluded on July 14, 2015 induces for the Sultanate   positive spin-offs, international influence   According to Yégavian .
But the specificity of Oman's politics is mainly related to the personality of Sultan Qaboos . The latter, aged 76, has suffered for several months, according to his entourage, a cancerous disease that could be fatal. Will his successor then assume the same political choices?

Oman rescues Yemeni refugees
The Sultanate of Oman shares a common border on the east and has been redefined following the 1992 negotiations with Yemen. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), on July 14,   000 have fled Yemen to Djibouti, Somalia, Saudi Arabia or the Sultanate of Oman, which is estimated to be around 25   000. The profile of Yemeni refugees seems difficult to establish due to lack of information in the region. On the face of it, according to the UNHCR survey, the refugees are of various nationalities, Egyptian, Indonesian, Bangladeshi, Western and Yemeni.Faced with the growing instability in the Yemeni country, the Sultanate of Oman has decided to open two border crossing points on its border, which until then remained confidential. Discreet about its foreign, humanitarian and security policy, the Sultanate of Oman however intends to strengthen the control measures on delimited crossing points. The authorities are worried that the influx of refugees will destabilize the Sultanate's domestic policies, given the conflicts surrounding the Dhofar region in the 1970s.

برزنتيشن عن عمان في الماضي والحاضر
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مقارنة بين التعليم في الماضي والحاضر بالانجليزي
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الفرق بين الحياة في الماضي والحاضر بالانجليزي

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