موضوع انجليزي عن coffee
paragraph about coffee
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presentation about coffee powerpoint
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paragraph about coffee
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عرض بوربوينت عن القهوة بالانجليزي

فوائد القهوة بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن جاهز عن القهوه
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تعبير عن القهوة
تعبير عن القهوة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن القهوة
تعريف القهوة بالانجليزي
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فوائد القهوة بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن جاهز عن القهوه
paragraph about coffee
عرض بوربوينت عن القهوة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن القهوة
عبارات عن القهوة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن القهوة العربية
القهوة العربية بالانجليزي
The incredible benefits of coffee
When was the last time you heard a doctor pronounce the word miracle? Well, it's time, coffee is served! Because of its benefits, "Coffee is really a miracle cure. Exclaims Sanjiv Chopra, a liver and biliary specialist and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

The benefits of coffee
Although he admits that the action of a simple cup of coffee and its benefits for the body still fall within the "scientific mystery", major epidemiological studies have repeatedly confirmed its amazing benefits. Recent research highlights include:
The benefits of coffee act as a miracle cure
• Drinking more than 3 cups a day reduces the risk for women of developing the most common skin cancer by 20%.
• Drinking more than 6 cups a day reduces by 60% the risk of men dying from prostate cancer.
• Drinking at least one cup of coffee a day reduces the risk of stroke by up to 25% in women.
• Consuming a minimum of 2 cups a day can reduce women's risk of becoming depressed by 20%.
Discover other health and prevention facts.
For more benefits, drink your black coffee!
"Drink it black, or with a cloud of skim milk to reduce the number of calories," Dr. Chopra recommends. The benefits of decaffeinated coffee may not be so great, it is better to stay in regular coffee if you can tolerate it. Dr. Chopra drinks at least four cups a day, while the majority of people should limit themselves to two cups. "No, I'm not sponsored by Starbucks," he jokes.
Coffee is the second most consumed drink in the world, after water, because its unparalleled taste and stimulating effect has conquered the palate of millions of people.
Until only two decades ago, it was claimed that its consumption caused serious side effects because of its high caffeine content.
However, thanks to the investigations carried out during the last years, it has been determined that the fact of ingesting it moderately has numerous benefits for the body, thanks to its great nutritional richness.
Today, many people consume regularly in their diet but they do not know all the virtues he has for the body.
In addition, there are people who continue to think that they must not consume any more because it is harmful.
Know that this is a food with surprising qualities! In this article, we will reveal in detail the reasons why we should all consume it.
1. It is rich in antioxidants

One of the main benefits of coffee is its high content of antioxidants, which outnumber fruits and vegetables.
They are powerful molecules whose main function is to inhibit the oxidative damage caused by free radicals, responsible for chronic diseases and premature aging.
Read also: 6 tips to prevent premature aging of the skin
2. It increases the energy
This is perhaps one of the best-known virtues of coffee because it allows you to work or study longer without suffering fatigue.
Caffeine, one of the main active ingredients, has a stimulating effect that helps to increase concentration and yield.
3. It reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

It is estimated that there are more than 300 million people worldwide who are struggling with type 2 diabetes.
This chronic disease, which is characterized by high blood sugar levels, can be prevented through the consumption of coffee.
In the study conducted by the American Chemical Society, it has been shown that people who take up to 4 cups of coffee a day decrease between 23% and 50% the risk of suffering from this pathology.
4. It protects the liver
The liver is the organ responsible for carrying out important tasks for the health of the whole organism.
However, sometimes it deteriorates and develops chronic diseases such as hepatitis or fatty liver.
According to research conducted by the Duke-NUS School of Medicine (Singapore), ingesting four cups of coffee reduces the likelihood of suffering from fatty liver.

In another study published in 2006, it has been shown that people who drink at least one cup of coffee a day are less likely to suffer from cirrhosis

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