موضوع بالانجليزي عن الابتسامه
موضوع عن الابتسامة بالانجليزي مع الترجمة قصير
فوائد الابتسامة بالانجليزي

The importance of smiling

smile has more than one virtue. It soothes the stress response and releases healthy neurochemicals such as dopamine and natural opiates (such as endorphins), which makes us feel good right away.
It has been proven that simply activating the facial muscles of the smile, even if we do not feel the urge, encourages us to evaluate life more positively.
Seeing a person smile makes us feel and act better. Also, if you smile at someone the chances are that this person will make you smile in return. This is called "emotional contagion".
When you smile sincerely, you encourage people to come to you and open up more to you.
Smile many times a day can spread wonderful waves in your brain, body, mind and relationships.
-> How?
1. Make a list of things that make you smile.
2. Smile.
3. Note the effect it has on you and others.
Facial expressions
The types of expressions according to Charles Darwin

Image extracted from the book "The Expression of emotions in humans and animals" by Charles Darwin in 1872
Morphopsychology has been of interest to many scientists for a long time: "The expression of emotions in humans and animals", by the English naturalist Charles Darwin, is the first scientific study published on the subject in 1872 and one of the first books including photos. The latter are, moreover, the principal source of the research he undertakes; note that this is a revolutionary method for the time.
Darwin concluded that the human species has six fundamental emotional states: joy, surprise, fear, disgust, anger, and sadness. However, like most scientific theories, this evolutionist work is subject to some controversy: "Is the facial expression of emotions really universal?"

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موضوع باللغة الانجليزية عن الابتسامة

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