موضوع بالانجليزي عن best friend
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my best friend paragraph writing
تعبير عن الصديق المفضل بالانجليزي قصير ومترجم
برزنتيشن عن best friend

Friendship is easy, it's sustainable. Love is difficult, it's fragile. So many things that suggest that it's much simpler and better to have a great friend than a boring lover. Judge by yourself.

14 reasons why it's better to have a best friend than a guy:

1. He is here for the very long term

Unlike a boyfriend with whom the relationship can end, your best friend will be by your side for life. This is not the kind to throw in the towel and throw everything in the air at the slightest difficulty.

And in the same way, you hold to him, and it is not you who will break this unique relationship.

2. He will honestly tell you if your dress fits you or not

A man who tries to put you in his bed will never be completely frank about what he will tell you about your outfit.

Whether your glute is beautiful or not really attractive in your jean level, it will surely tell you the same thing. Yes, for him the objective remains the same, flatter yourself.

3. You can eat whatever you want in front of him

As a person who loves to enjoy the good things in life (like food for example), I have always seen restaurant appointments as a challenge.

I like to order everything that I like, but some constraints appear when we know that the one who invites you will pay the bill.

By "constraints", I mean we can not order the prime rib at 40 euros without going for a girl who has no education.

On the other hand, if it's my best friend who pays, it's simply because I forgot my wallet at home and will pay next time. So, no problem.

It gives me the freedom to eat the biggest burger in the restaurant with a good conscience.

4. You can be horrible in front of him

Beyond the financial question mentioned above, I have in mind some images of me swallowing a burger that would make more than one escape.

With the best friend, it is totally different, it is not the one to seduce you, and you either. So, your appearance before him does not count, it's like it's a girlfriend.

Once this notion of non-attraction is assimilated, you are free to say vulgar things, to burp, to fart and to speak with your mouth full.

5. He loves you sincerely and for what you really are

It's not your cleavage or your smile that interests him, but just you.

Your relationship with your best friend is deep, simple and unique because it has nothing to do with physical attraction. He loves you for your character.

6. You do not have to force things

If your boyfriend listens to music that you find void, you will have to do what you can to change it. Especially to avoid bleeding your ears.

You want to have things in common with him so you will do your best to make it work.

While 9 times out of 10, your best friend is your best friend precisely because he has tons of things in common with you.

So, no need to try to impress by putting music that you hate!

7. No need to engage in stupid conversations by texts

"Hey, how are you doing?", "Hey, how are you?" or "Hey, are you having a good day?"

There are many absolutely useless things that we feel we have to say when we are in a relationship.

With his best friend, if you do not send text like this during the day, it does not matter.

8. You do not have to be afraid to disturb him

9. You do not have to buy him a present when he invites you on vacation

Valentine's Day, the first month, the first meeting, the first kiss, in short, many dates for which you are almost forced to offer a gift.

In friendship, there is only one date that requires you to buy a gift to your male partner: his birthday.

And, except if the desire takes you obviously, no need to break your head to do something too cute or write a letter full of emotion. Just buy a card and your favorite bottle of alcohol and it'll be fine.

10. You can take it to your parents' house without it being a problem

I always dread to invite my friend to my home lest my parents immediately think that I am madly in love and that we will get married tomorrow. Or worse, that he pronounces the famous embarrassing phrase: "I do not know if you do hmm hmm, but you have to protect yourself huh, that's important."

Once again, with the best friend, it's much simpler. He has already come home millions of times, and I even end up wondering if my mother does not love him more than me! Suffice to say, no pressure when it is him that I invite.

11. He is listening

No matter how much your boyfriend loves you, there is a moment when his concentration stops and his brain saturates. His gaze then turns towards your breasts or your buttocks.

On the other hand, your best friend is not particularly interested in your body. He also probably knows that your guy has no chance to make love to you tonight. So he listens, patiently.

As crazy as it may seem, he loves your personality so much that he says that what you are going to say may be interesting.

12. It does not bring drama in your life

"I love him so much, it hurts." "I do not think I love him enough." "I think he's cheating on me." "He has not spoken for two days." "He works in Paris and I live in Marseille ..."

Even the best romantic relationships have a dramatic aspect. If so, your best friend is the bowl of oxygen that allows you to escape.

13. You can just watch a movie with him

In the vocabulary of appointments, "watching a movie" is a code to say a (big) hug, or at least almost.

So yes, it's cute, it's funny, but when you're in the movie and want to know the rest, but your boyfriend's hands are insistent, it's boring.

On the other hand, with the best friend, "watching a movie" is finding the DVD, putting it in the player, and watching it. Quite simply.

And the ultimate, you can be slumped in jogging and sweatshirts on the couch, no one will make you derogatory reflection aside from your best friend who makes fun (yet).

14. You never have to feel embarrassed by your body

No matter how much confidence we have in relation to our physique, we have all our "shit, I forgot to shave" and "uh, do not touch me here" with our guys.

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