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تعبير عن الجامعه بالانجليزي قصير جدا

The new life in university
Successful first year of college: the great difficulties to face

The right orientation: study according to a professional project

Finally, in the first year of college, continue to build your project. Half of the universities offer a 10-hour Teaching Unit (UE) called Student Professional Project (PPE). You are invited to investigate the professional sector you are interested in. Since the 2008 reform, all universities must also have a "professional integration office", in particular to offer internships. Finally, changes of orientation are still possible during the first half of the year. If you think you have made a mistake, react very quickly!

Assiduity: Avoid Cafet Syndrome
In fac, most of the lessons are given in "lectures" (CM) in front of all the students in large amphitheatres. Exercise sessions of application or of deepening take place in directed works (TD) in group of about thirty. However, attendance at lectures, which are difficult to follow, is not controlled. It is tempting not to attend, especially since courses can be available online or on handouts. So ... "A lot of failures in the first year are due to the 'cafet syndrome', says Xavier, when the students, all fresh out of a high school where every absence was criticized are found in the paradise of dryers.

What to do ? There should be no absence, at least during the first term, of discovering the teachings, of verifying that one is at the level and of setting up one's personal work. Even if the course content is online, start by going to class, because this allows you to start memorizing and then completing it with other media Finally, enjoy all the working time in small groups that your school offers: tutoring , support groups, meeting with your "referent teacher" ... The reform of the university put the package on this framework: it is absolutely necessary to use it!

Expression, spelling, English: master the basic tools
The student is supposed to master the French language (spelling, grammar), even English, and the basic tools of his discipline. On the other hand, it is expected of him a minimum of acquired reasoning and expression: to write a summary, to make a synthesis, a dissertation, to organize ideas and to handle abstract concepts. "It is useless whatever the path to persevere if these fundamentals are not there," says Jean-Claude Topund, teacher.

"The lower the mastery of the language, the more fragile and uncertain the expression and the construction of thought," says another teacher. Too many students produce incoherent sentences and utterances, both in translations, dissertations or scientific reasoning. "

What to do ? Do not enroll in a general license in fac if one is weak on all these terrains. Otherwise, as soon as the beginning of the first year of the school year, identify its weaknesses (spelling, written expression, general culture, literary, scientific and computer science) and develop a special work program to fill them (grammar and spelling exercises , reading program, subscription to certain magazines, courses of written expression ...). Ask about the help you can find at the college: if tutoring exists, take a tutor, an older student who can guide you on certain techniques (dissertation, reading cards, taking notes in progress ...). Subscribe to the optional Teaching Units (EU) that could help you fill in your gaps (culture, French, etc.). If your difficulties persist, consider a reorientation towards a less traditional curriculum (BTS type).

The level to have: do not lure yourself
The ferry certainly gives you access without selection to the university. But be careful: if your level is too average, you risk failing because the bar to cross in first (or even second) year will be too high. Learning will increase in quantity and complexity. A student who has repeated her first year of English in Amiens says: "Coming from the professional technological path but being bilingual thanks to my family, I practically succeeded in practicing UV, but I literally planted myself with UV asking for a volume important learning ".

Take the university pace very early
Successful first year of law: advice to future lawyers
You will be left free now of your assiduity since in amphi, one does not go. Do not see this as an opportunity for strolling, but for accountability. The teachers are quite physiognomists, they spot the faithful and remember it in the oral. On the other hand, if you do not attend the class, you will need to learn about someone else's notes: a disability that adds to the fact that you will not have begun to assimilate the knowledge with your hearing memory listening to the teacher.

Note-taking must also be mastered early enough: your notes, while being able to adapt to your personality and the style of the teacher, must take up the essential part of the course, and constitute a reliable learning medium for revisions (thanks layout, important points underlined, etc.).

The academic year is short, you will have to put yourself fast in the rhythm and put the package on the written subjects that are the subject of directed studies (TD). Press on your TD loads, this is your best source. Returning homework as often as possible (at least detailed plans) will allow you to progress faster. Once the method has been acquired, you will be able to fine-tune the quality of your homework and acquire this legal spirit if necessary.

Legal exercises: good method, good results.
Successful first year of law: advice to future lawyers
As we have just mentioned, to defend a thesis, a position constitutes the very essence of the work of the jurist. This is what you will be asked in the different exercises. It is not surprising, therefore, that students coming from scientific fields have once again performed better. Indeed, these exercises require rigor and method.
• The legal dissertation, for example, has its own rules that are understandable in terms of the legal culture that you will soon begin to perceive. The logic of law is often bi-partisan, the principle / exceptions, the subjective / objective right, and so on. It is therefore not surprising that the dissertation is built on a two-part plan.
• The commentary on arrest will ask for a spirit of synthesis and this is where you will have to sharpen your legal reflexes to perceive the problems of law and the stakes for the evolution of the Law.
• The practical case will also require you to pay particular attention to learn how to apply the rule of law to concrete facts.

For those who still doubt their ability ...

If you do not think you are level with the use of language or general culture, do not panic, some colleges have the solution! For example, Paris II - Assas proposes a program à la carte: support for students who need to fill their gaps in written, oral or general knowledge. A normal curriculum, or on the contrary reinforced for those who have excellent results and who would like to complete their training by disciplines useful to their future profession, and this, throughout the license. Explanation in video.

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