تعبير Traveller 6
تعبير انجليزي ثالث ثانوي الفصل الثاني
تعبير انجليزي ثالث ثانوي الفصل الاول
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حلول كتاب النشاط ترافلر 6
تعبير انجليزي لفل 4
تعبير الانجليزية للسنة 4 متوسط
تعبير انجليزي طويل
تعبير انجليزي حر
تعبير انجليزي صف ثاني متوسط
تعبير انجليزي صف ثالث متوسط
تعبير انجليزي صف اول متوسط
تعبير انجليزي صغير وسهل
تعبير انجليزي صف عاشر
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نتائج البحث
تعبير لمادة الأنجليزي ثالث ثانوي منهج Traveller 6 ف2 لعام ...
تعبير للأختبار النهائي لمادة اللغة الأنجليزية
للصف الثالث ثانوي منهج
Traveller 6 ف2 لعام 1436 هـ تعبير لمنهج Traveller 6 منقول دعواتكم لأصحاب ...
الأختبار الشهري الأول لمادة ...
حل مادة الانجليزي ثالث ثانوي 6 ...
تعبير الوحدة الثالثة منهج ...
تعبير لمادة الأنجليزي ثالث
تعبير مادة الأنجليزي ثالث ثانوي منهج 6 Traveller ف2 عام ...
13تعبير مادة الأنجليزي ثالث ثانوي منهج 6 Traveller تعبير
لمادة الأنجليزي للصف الثالث ثانوي منهج ...
تعابير للأختبار نهائي أنجليزي ...
اوراق عمل ومراجعة شاملة لمادة ...
كتاب المعلم مادة الأنجليزي ...
ملخص تعبير انجليزي للصف ...
تعبير مادة الأنجليزي ثالث ثانوي منهج 6 Traveller ف2 عام 1436هـ
- السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته تعبير لمادة الأنجليزي للصف الثالث ثانوي منهج Traveller 6 الفصل الثاني عام 1436هـ تعبير مادة الأنجليزي ثالث ...
انجليزي ثالث ثانوي منهج الفصل الثاني ...
الصوتيات audio cd ـانجليزي
ثالث ثانوي منهج traveller 6
الفصل الثاني. 2 & traveller 6 audio cd 1 ثالث ثانوي الفصل الثاني ... تعبير مادة انجليزي
أول ثانوي منهج Traveller 1
الفصل 1 My Self compositionعام 1436ه, #منال, الفصل ...
حل جميع التمارين في الصفحة رقم 6 كتاب النشاط
.... حل التعبير صفحة رقم 52 كتاب الطالب #طالب_ترافلار5 كتابة عن خدعة مارسها صديقك
عرض لدرس التعبير الوحدة الرابعة لمادة الأنجليزي
ثالث ثانوي ...
منتدى اللغة الإنجليزية والمواد الدراسية › المرحلة
عرض لدرس التعبير الوحدة الرابعة لمادة الأنجليزي
ثالث ثانوي منهج Traveller 6
عام 1437 المرحلة الثانوية.
- سُئل منذ 1 ساعة بواسطة مجهول. 0 إجابة 1. traveller 2 تعبير؟
سُئل منذ 1 ساعة بواسطة مجهول. 0 إجابة 1. 6 عناصر موضوع تعبير؟ سُئل منذ 31 دقائق
بواسطة ...
عرض الوحدة الرابعة لمادة الأنجليزي ثالث ثانوي
منهج Traveller
عرض لدرس التعبير الوحدة الرابعة لمادة اللغة الأنجليزية
للصف الثالث ثانوي ... عرض بوربوينت انجليزي الوحدة السادسة منهج 6 Traveller ثالث ثانوي ...
تعبير مادة الأنجليزي ثالث ثانوي منهج 6 Traveller ف2 عام ... - ...
- تعبير مادة الأنجليزي ثالث ثانوي منهج 6 Traveller ف2 عام
1436هـ التحميل من المرفق المصدر: منتديات احتاجك.
عرض لدرس التعبير الوحدة الرابعة لمادة الأنجليزي
ثالث ثانوي ...
عرض لدرس التعبير الوحدة الرابعة لمادة الأنجليزي
ثالث ثانوي منهج Traveller 6
عام 1437 التحميل من المرفق المصدر: منتديات
زحمة شباب ياناسو ...
الثالث ثانوي– الترم الثاني
ولاية اكبر الأقدم
تأسست جامعة إنديانا
Indiana University was founded in 1820 and is one of the oldest and
largest state-
مشهورة بـ عالميا الولايات المتحدة تحت الرعاية
sponsored universities in the United States. It is internationally
known for the
برامج تنوع تميز
excellence and variety of its programmes. The University has over 100
كثير أعضاء تشمل كلية وقت كامل أقسام
departments and a full-time faculty of over 1,500, including members of
مركز الابداع الثقافي تقع في جمعيات
academic societies. It is located in Bloomington, the cultural and
recreational centre
آمن ديناميكي
of southern Indiana in the Midwestern US. Bloomington, a dynamic, safe
يشمل السكان عدد غنية ثقافيا
culturally-sophisticated town, has a population of 65,000 inhabitants
(not including
بحيرات جميلة اراضي الغابات الخضراء
تلال محاط بـ
university students). It is surrounded by hills, green woodlands and
lovely lakes.
IEPتزيد برنامج مكثف
The goal of the Indiana University Intensive English Program (IEP) is
to increase the
للدراسة مطلوبة مستوى لغة ثانية مهارات
English language skills of non-native English speakers to the level
needed for study
يصل الطلاب يشجع الجامعة الكلية
at a college or university in the United States. We encourage students
to reach this
تدرّس مؤهل
بقدر الامكان بسرعة
goal as quickly as possible. Teachers in the IEP are qualified to teach
English as a
في الخارج تدرّس لغة ثانية
second language and have taught in the United States and abroad.
Requirements for Admission
الثانوية على الأقل يحصل على
All students admitted to the programme must have earned at least a high
معيشتهم يدفعون مقابل يستطيع الرعاة
diploma and must show that they or their sponsors are able to pay for
their living
مواد تطبيقية
بينما مصروفات نفقات
expenses and tuition while in the United States. Our application
materials will tell you how much money is needed for each session.ترم دراسي
Curriculumالمناهج ساعة
There are seven levels in the IEP. All levels meet for 20-24 classroom
hours each
الحرم الجامعي ايضا مواد مرئية مسموعة من خلال
week. Levels One through Five use audio-visual materials, as well as
الاستماع يركز على مستويات مصادر المعمل اللغوي
computer and language laboratory resources. These levels concentrate on
listening, speaking, writing and grammar.
تركز على حصص كتابة قراءة اكاديمية متوسط
Level Six is a high intermediate academic reading and writing class,
which focuses
تبدا مستعد لـ الطلاب اكمال أساسا
mainly on writing. After completing Level Six, most students are ready
to begin
اضافي مع ذلك كلية
academic work at a college or university. However,some additional
English may be
البيئة يتكيف مع يوصى بـ
recommended to helpthem adjust to their new environment.
يعطيهم نص معتمدة تحليل يركزون على
In Level Seven students focus on written analysis of authentic texts.
This gives them
الجامعات مطلوبة نوع فكرة واضحة
a clear idea of the kind of work which is required by American
universities. At levels
نحو متطور من يختاروا من
Six and Seven, students also select from a variety of courses in
advanced grammar,
الادب الاتصال مهارات الاقتصاد النطق المتقدم
advanced pronunciation, business, computer skills, communication,
literature, test
اهتمامات احتياجات معينة الشبكة العنكبوتية اعداد
preparation and the World Wide Web to meet their particular needs
College and University Placementالتسجيل التدريب يلتحق
Graduates of the Center for English Language Training have gone on to
حتى التعليم الاقتصاد الكيمياء الفيزياء مناطق مهن
careers in such areas as physics, art, chemistry, business, education
and even
مؤهل ارشاد لغة اجنبية تدريس
teaching English as a foreign language. We offer careers guidance to
الكليات الاخرى
اما يتقدم الى يريد
students who want to apply either to Indiana University or to other
colleges or
مكثف مع ذلك التقدم لـ
universities in the United States. Admission, however, to the Intensive
البرامج الاكاديمية محددة التقدم لا تضمن
Program does not guarantee admission to specific academic programmes at
Indiana University.
Housingالمسكن متزوج كلا من لـ متاح اسكان متنوع
There is a wide variety of housing available in Bloomington for both
married and
بيوت الطلاب خلال يرتب السكن أعزب
single students: on-campus housing is arranged through the IU Halls of
سكن جامعي استمارة تقدم
After receiving your application form, we will send you a campus
فصول بعيدا عن المشي شقق تقدم
application. Campus apartments are all within walking distance of
classes and are on
قرب توجد شقق منفصلة طرق
the University bus routes. Many off-campus apartments are located near
الوصول بعد ترتب اسكان طرق قرب
or near city bus routes. Off-campus housing is best arranged after your
arrival in
مصنفة الكترونية تصفح نبدأ
Bloomington, but you can begin by browsing the electronic classified
ads in
the Bloomington Herald Times.
Extracurricular Activitiesانشطة ابداعية متعددة
Bloomington and Indiana University offer a large variety of
recreational activities
ركوب القوارب السباحة
كرة القدم تبدأ بـ على مدار العام احداث اجتماعية
and social events going on all year round. To begin with, soccer,
swimming, boating,
استمتاع تمارين أشكال أخرى التزلج كرة المضرب
tennis, racquetball, skiing and many other forms of exercise and
relaxation are
رحلات الاستمتاع التعليم يربط متاح بسهولة
readily available. We have also combined education and enjoyment with
trips to
مراكز طبيعة متاحف مهرجانان مجاورة
nearby zoos, art festivals, museums and nature centres.
3. Scanning for specific information
Read the brochure again and answer the questions 1-12. Choose a, b, c
or d.
1. What is said about Indiana University?
d. It is situated in a beautiful spot.
2. Apparently, in order to get on-campus accommodation…
a. students must fill out a campus housing application form.
3. Students interested in finding off-campus accommodation…
b. can start looking for apartments on the Internet.
4. According to the passage, students staying on campus…
a. can also take the bus to class.
5. What does the writer say about the university’s teaching staff?
d. They help students improve their English.
6. Apparently, the IEP is meant for somebody who…
c. comes from a non-English speaking country.
7. In Level Seven, students…
b. can choose from a number of courses offered.
8. According to the passage, after completing the IEP…
c. students have the necessary background to attend a
university/college in the US.
9. Students on the IEP…
b. have access to lots of entertainment.
10. To be admitted to the IEP, students…
c. must have completed their secondary education.
11. Courses in computer skills and the World Wide Web are available…
c. only for students at the last two levels.
12. Information on living expenses and tuition fees...
a. is available to students on application.
4. Guessing the meaning of unknown words
Look at the following words highlighted in the text and choose the
correct meaning a, b or c.
1. foundedأسس
a. discovered b.
established c. known
2. admittedيسمح
a. agreed b.
promoted c. allowed to joinيسمح
3. adjust toيتكيف مع
a. get used toيعتاد على b.
change c. cater to
4. browsingيتصفح
a. searchingيبحث عن b.
putting c. choosing
5. readilyبسهولة
a. willingly b.
easily c. frequently
1. Words easily confused
excellence التميز( أفضل شيء )
qualityالجودة( ذا جودة عالية )
Perfectionاكتمال الشيء و اتمامه باتقان
1. This supermarket provides qualityat very reasonable prices.
2. Doctor James works at a hospital which is considered a centre of
excellence in medicalresearch.البحث الطبي
excellence in medicalresearch.البحث الطبي
3. Hala cooked the casserole toperfection .
Lastlyأخيرا- في النهاية – في الختام
at lastفي آخر ...
at leastعلى الأقل
last but not leastتستخدم عند انهاء كلمة او خطبة )أخيرا و
ليس آخرا )
4. Andlast but not least , I’d like to thank my parents for always
helping me out when I needed it.
5. I know we’ve run out of milk, but at lastwe have some yoghurt.
6. At last, it’s time to go home!
7. I switched off the lights, closed the windows and LastlyI locked the
front door and left.
celebrationاحتفال بمناسبة مثل حفل التخرج
ceremonyحفل رسمي أو له طقوس معينة مثل حفل الزواج-
festivalمهرجان احتفالي يقام بانتظام مثل الجنادرية
8. Do you know what time the sports awards ceremonyis tomorrow?
9. This weekend, there is going to be an art festival ; we should go.
10. The whole family is gathering at my grandparents’ house for the
Academicاكاديمي- دراسي
intellectualمفكرين ( اناس يهتموا بالثقافة و العلوم )
studiousمواظبعلى المذاكرة
11. He’s a(n) studiousyoung man, so he should do well at high school.
12. The school usually has a celebration at the end of the
13. The room was full of professors, scientists, teachers and other
campus الحرم الجامعي ( كل المكان الذي توجد به
الجامعة )
dorm السكن الجامعي- بيت الطلاب
premisesمبنى و الأرض المحيطة به
14. He doesn’t have to travel far to get to lectures because he lives
on campus .
15. The police arrived quickly and escortedيخرجthe man off the premises .
16- If you have problems with that Maths problem, come to my dormand we
can study together.
authenticمعتمد / مصدق عليه من جهة حكومية / رسمية
accurate دقيق بلا اخطاء و لا عيوب
factualمتعلق بالحقائق و الواقع
17. Rania didn’t get a good mark for her essay as it had quite a few
18. All the experts concluded that the painting wasn’t
19. My watch wasn’t as accurate as I thought and I ended up being
fifteen minutes late.
2. Phrasal verbs (go)
1-go ahead withstart doingيبدأ في عمل شيء
2-go onb. continueيستمر
3-go throughsufferيمر بـ/ يعاني من
4-go overexamineيتفحص – يختبر شيء
5-go withe. matchيتوافق مع – يناسب
6-goes offexplodeينفجر
3. Nouns ending in -ant and –ent
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in
assist يساعد
applyيتقدم لعمل
consultant مستشار
contestant منافس
assistant مساعد
applicantمتقدم للعمل
resideيستقر – يقيم
1. He works as aconsultantfor a large computer firm.
2. Do you know how manycontestant will take part in the competition?
3. The project requires a lot of work, so you definitely need to find
4. We have to interview over 300applicantfor this job!
5. There were thousands ofimmigrant who came to the US through Ellis
6. He has worked as a politicalcorrespondent for BBC formany years.
7. Jared was a loyal servantto the company for all the years he worked
8. Only residents are allowed to park their cars in the city centre.
passive forms
The Present Simple Tense
Every- always – usually
Sometimes – rarely – never
أي تعبير عن الشيء المعتاد
O. + is
+ V3
The Past Simple Tense
Last- yesterday – ago – in the past – once – in 1990
أو ما يدل على الماضي
O. + + V3
The Present Continuous
Now = at the moment
At present – look ! listen!
O. + is
+ being +
The Past Continuous
While بينما - whenعندما
أو ما يعبر عن الاستمرار في الماضي
O + + being +
The Present perfect
Already – yet – since for
So far – ever- never
O + + been
+ V3
The Past Perfect Tense
Before – after – by
O +
had + been
+ V3
Future - Modal Verbs
Next – tomorrow – soon later – in the future
will – can
O +
have to + be
+ V3
going to
-ing form
I hate people staring at me.
I hate being stared at
الخلاصة :
1-اذا كانت الجملة تبدا بالمفعول أو بها كلمة by و بعدها الفاعل اختر واحدا مما يلي :-
Am-is-are-was-were + V3- جملة بها
being – been – be
لاحظ ان التصريف الثالث ياتي بعد v.to be – being – been – be في حالة بدء الجملة بالمفعول
Choose the right answer :-
1-Every car engine……………… thoroughly .
a-is checked b-
checks c- has checked d-will check
2-The flat …………..next week .
a-will decorate b-was being
decorated c- will be decorated d- decorate
3-Cars ……………………here .
a-mustn’t park b-mustn’t be parked c-won’t parkd- shouldn’t park
4-The harvest …………………… by
farmers .
a-is going to collect
b-will collect c-is going to
be collected d-may collect
5-All the lights ……………………….. off before I went to bed.
a-turned b- were
turning c-had been
turned d- had turned
6-Many people …………………… to the wedding .
a-invite b-have
invited c-were
invited d-will invite
7-All the questions ……………… on the paper.
a-will answer b-must
answer c-have to answer d-must be answered
8-When he returned home, he found that all his money…………… stolen.
a-had been
b-had c-
is d-
will be
19-Hamad ………………… at the party last night.
a-is not seen
b- hasn't seen c- didn't
see d- wasn't seen
10-A nice story ……………. to the child.
a-was told b-told c-is telling d-was telling
11-The arrangement for the party ……………… tomorrow.
a-will discuss b- may
discuss c-will be discussed d- will be discussing
12-The chairs……………….. out into the garden at the moment.
a-are being carried b- are
carrying c-were carrying d-will be carried
13-He had an accident and …………………… to hospital .
b-takes c-has
taken d-was taken
14-The Egyptian cotton ……………………. to different countries.
a-is exported b-
exports c-
exported d- is
15-This room …………………… slept in for years.
a-hasn’t b-hasn't
been c-hadn't d- aren’t
15-The article ……………………read by the boy now .
b-is beingc-going to d-has to
*********************تمارين الكتاب ص11*******************
is to increase
must have earned
have gone on to pursue
have combined
was founded
is known
may be recommended
are located
B. Read the examples below and complete the rulesthat follow.
We saw Peter drive away.
They heard Sally screaming.
They made him tell the truth.
I won’t let you do it.
Peter was seen to drive away.
Sally was heard screaming.
He was made to tell the truth.
You won’t be allowed to do it
• Verbs of perception (see, hear, watch, smell,
feel, notice) are followed by a bare infinitive or an –ingform in the active
Voice, but in the passive Voice they are followed by a full infinitive or an
-ing form.
• The verb make is followed by a bare infinitive
the activeVoice, but in the passiveVoice it is followed by a full
• The verb let + bare infinitive changes to be
allowed +full infinitive in the Passive Voice.
Therefore, for the past fifty years students (teach) have been taught
over great distances using wireless technology. Until 2003, classes (conduct)
were/had been conducted using shortwave radio, after which most schools
(decide) decided to switch to the Internet.
Nowadays, each student (get)getsa one-hour group or individual lesson
from the teacher and the rest of the day (spend)is spentworking through the
assigned material. In the past students (receive)received their course
materials and returned their written work using the Royal Flying doctor
service. However, the Internet has meant students’ homework can (review)be
reviewed more rapidly. As the children(isolate)are isolated, School of the Air
is their first chance to socialize with other children outside their immediate
family. Three to four gatherings (held)are held every year wherechildren
(travel)travel to theschool to spend a week with their teacher andschoolmates.
The Alice Springs School of the Air has 160 students spread over 1,300,000
square kilometres and (know) is known as the ‘World’s Largest
Classroom’. Tourists can visit the Alice Springs School and observe
live classes or they may be shown
vocabulary & grammar
1-turn in go to bedيذهب للفراش
2-turned down refuse an offerيرفض عرض
3-turned up arriveيصل
4-turned….. over give something to the authoritiesيسلم للسلطات
5-turned out prove to beيثبت أنه
الاسم المركب :- هو اسم مكون من اسمين منفصلين
أو متصلين يستخدم الجزء الأول كوصف للجزء الثاني
لاعب كرة القدم آلة الوقت رف الكتب متحف الحروف الهجائية
alphabet museum
Bookshelf time
machine football player
خزان الماءالنشرة الجوية مركز الشرطة كتاب التاريخ
history book police
station weather
forecast water tank
toothache tooth
paste police station bed room
جدول دراجة نارية طالبة باص المدرسة
school bus
motorbike timetable
1. We had to go to the police station to report thatour shop had been robbed.
2. According to theweather forecast it will rain tomorrow.
3. We just bought a new waterbed ; youwouldn’t believe how restful a
sleep you get on it.
4. The school bus is late again; we’ll miss the first hour!
5. I went to the dentist’s yesterday because I had terrible toothache.
عند تحويل جملة بها …say- know – believe – think الى المبني للمجهول نبدأ كما يلي
It is said / known / thought + thatنكمل الجملة بلا تعيير
فاعل الجملة الثانية + is said / known / thought + to + المصدر
People believe that he is very rich.
It is believed that he is very rich.
He is believed to be very rich.
اذا كان افعل في الماضي :-
ان بدانا ب It is said / known / thought +
that نحول الجملة الثانية طبقا لما سبق .
ان بدانا بفاعل الجملة الثانية و كان الفعل
في الماضي البسيط يتحول الى
have been +v3
They say that the French founded this town in the 17th century.
Itis said that this town was founded by the French in the 17th century
This town is said to have been founded by the French in the 17th
They say that the locals built this bridge last year.
It is said that this bridge was built by the locals last year.
This bridge is said to have been built by the locals last year.
التحويل الى المبني للمجهول نحذف ضميرالوصلوv.to be
This photograph, which my brother took, won first prize in the
This photograph, (which was) taken bymy brother, won first prize in the
Examination Practice
Read the text below and complete the gaps. Use only one word in each
Home schooling
Home schooling maybe many
children’s dream, but it’s already true for agreat/ largenumber of children
around the world. Thousands of children aged six tosixteen in the UK are
educated at home by their parents or someone more experienced, like a teacher.
Learning at home has its advantages. For example, children don’t have a strict
timetable and they can spend more time doing subjects that appeal totheir
interests. Also, many kids feel that they have more free time to learn one more
foreign language, take up a sport and even go overtheir homework more often.
However, learning at home is not always as easy as you might think. Some
children find it difficult to concentrate at home, as there are so many
other things going on. Others miss being with other people their age and feel
In conclusion, home schooling may turn out to be a great experience for
a child or it may turn into a nightmare. It really all depends on the student’s
personality and needs.
B. Read the text and complete the blanks with the correct form of the
words in capitals.
Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Sinan al-Battani al-Harrani
Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Sinan al-Battani al-Harrani was an astronomer,
astrologer and mathematician born around 858 C.E. in Harran. His father, Jabir
Ibn San’an al-Battani, who was also a well-known scientist, gave him his first
Battani then moved to Raqqa, which is located on the Euphrates River,
to continue
his education.
He was a very studious man and made the most of his observations
andmathematical investigations in Raqqa.
He is responsible for a number of important discoveries in astronomy.
One of his greatestachievements was determining with remarkable accuracy that
the solar year is 365 days, 5 hours,46 minutes and 24 seconds.
In addition , he determined the length of the seasons, accurately
calculated several orbitsof the moon and planets and also came up with an
interesting theory to determine the conditions ofvisibility of the new moon.
His most important work is his zig, or set of astronomical tables which
greatly influenced European astronomy.
Without doubt, his contributions to astronomy and trigonometry forever
thedevelopment of these two sciences. The practical applicationof his
theories has furtherenhanced our understanding of mathematics and astronomy.
The modern world has honoured him by naming a region of the moon after
Unit 2
Pleasure to meet you
طريقة هل يوجد توجد فعليا
الغرباء الكون بمفرده
Are we alone in the universe? Do aliens really exist? And if so, is
there any way to
فقط القرون الانسان يتواصل معهم
contact them? Mankind has been asking these questions for centuries,
but it is only
تطورات تكنولوجية سريعة الفائدة العقود الحالية
in recent decades, with the benefit of rapid technological
advancements, that
فكرة بالرغم من اجابات بعض يحاول العلماء
scientists have been able to attempt to get some answers. Although the
idea of
الاستكشاف تستحق مثير للجدل سكان الكواكب الاخرى التواصل
communicating withextraterrestrials is a controversial one, it is worth
exploring, if
نعيش الكون الغامض الفضول نشبع
only to satisfy our curiosity about the mysterious universe in which we
القرن الذروة وصلت اعجاب
Our fascination with extraterrestrials reached a peak in the nineteenth
الموضوع نشرت مقالات عدد من
when a number of books and articles were published on the subject. Many
حتى توجد أشكال
الحياة الخارجية اقنعت الفلكيين
and astronomers of the time were convinced that alien life forms
مخترع فرنسي الكواكب
الأخرى الحياة علامات
claimed that they had seen signs of life on other planets. French
inventor, Charles
المريخ لاحظ أضواء اقتنعت على سبيل المثال
Cros, for example, was convinced that the lights he’d observed on Mars
(which were
كبرى وجود تعني الشمس مضاءة السحب
probably clouds illuminated by the sun) indicated the existence of a
major city. Cros
تدفع الحكومةالفرنسية يقنع يحاول
spent most of his life trying to persuade the French government to pay
for the
اشارات ارسال
مرآة ضخم بناء
construction of an enormous mirror which would be used for sending
signals to the
عكس المريخ رمال رسائل تحرق خطته
Martians. His plan was to ‘burn’ messages into the sand on Mars by
مع ذلك الحكومة كوكب سطح ضوء الشمس
sunlight on to the surface of the planet. The French government,
however, was not
يعمل فكرة مقتنعة
convinced that Cros’s idea would work and did not give him the money to
build the mirror.
أساليب العلماء حقيقة أصبح السفر
الجوي القرن خلال
During the twentieth century, space travel became a reality and
scientists’ methods
التواصل مع
of ‘communicating’ with extraterrestrials became more sophisticated. In
1972, NASA
أطلقت ادارة الفضاء و الطيران الوطنية
(the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the US) launched
حملت مركبة الفضاء المجموع الشمسية تسمى غير مأهولة
unmanned spacecraft called Pioneer 10into the solar system. The
spacecraft carried
البشري مخططات
with it a gold plaque, the Pioneer Plaque, which featured diagrams of
الهدف المجموعة الشمسية موقع الارض
body and of the Earth’s position in the solar system.The purpose of the
plaque was
فصائل ذكية الجنس البشري معلومات أساسية
to communicate some basic information about humankind to any
intelligent species that might come across the spacecraft.المركبة الفضائية
النظام الشمسي مسبارين أطلقت
In 1977, NASA launched two probes into the solar system,Voyager 1 and
Voyager 2,
متصل بـ زحل المشترى معلومات أكثر تجمع
in order to gather more informationabout Jupiter and Saturn. Attached
to the
تصور – تمثل صور أصوات تحتوي على سجل
ذهبي مسبار
probes was a gold record containing sounds and images representative of
life on
أنشيء السجل مثل الأرض
Earth. Like the Pioneer Plaque, the record was created with a view to
مسبارين أشكال الحياة الغرباء
communicating information about our world to alien life-forms. Both
probes will
الشمس الاقرب النجم سنتوري ألفا
take about 40,000 years to reach Alpha Centauri, the star nearest the
sun, and it will
probably take that long for extraterrestrials to receive the record, if
they receive it at all.
سكان الكواكب الأخرى تواصل محاولة هامة ربما
Perhaps the most significant attempt at communication with
extraterrestrials was
تم بثها رسالة بالراديو
the 1974 ‘Arecibo Message’. This was a radio message that was
transmitted into
بورتو ريكو تقع في تليسكوب
space using the Arecibo radio telescope which is located in Puerto
Rico.The message
أشياء بين أظهرت صور مكونة من
was composed of images which showed, among other things, the numbers
one to
الرسالة المجموعة الشمسية شكل
ten, the structure of DNA, the figure of a man and the solar system.
The message
استمر البث تسمى مجموعة موجهة
was directed at a star cluster called M13, and the transmission lasted
about three
الأرض من
بعيدة نجوم
minutes. Unfortunately, the M13 cluster of stars is so far away from
Earth that it
وجهتها تصل الرسالة تقريبا
will take approximately 25,000 years for the message to reach its
destination, so we
قريبا استجابة تستقبل
won’t be receiving a response any time soon!
مؤسسة الذكاء البحث عن اليوم
Today, it is the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
Institute in the US that
تأسست الكون حياة أخرى البحث عن
continues the search for other life in the universe. Since it was
founded in 1984, the
تشمل مشروعات بحث هامة بدأ
SETI Institute has initiated a number of significant research projects,
منخرط في أصبحت الفرصة
SETI@home, which gives the general public the opportunity to become
involved in
برنامج مجاني تحمّل
the search for extraterrestrials. All you have to do is download the
free software
مرتبط بـ غير مستخدم
from the SETI@home website and, when your computer is not in use (but
موجودة الآلة من تم بثها معلومات
to the Internet), the software will collect data transmitted from a
device located
البحث أعضاء أرسلت المعلومات التليسكوب
near the Arecibo telescope. The data will then be sent tomembers of the
استقبلت الاشارة اذا ما تحدد تحلل
team so that they can analyze it and determine whether a signal has
been received from extraterrestrials.
الغرباء الاتصالات تستقبل حتى الآن جهود أفضل بالرغم من
In spite of our best efforts, we have yet to receive a communication
from aliens, but,
دائما توجد كواكب ايجاد امكانية
while the possibility of finding life on other planets exists, there
will always be the
اتصال تصنع تستمر الدافع
motivation to continue to try to make contact.
3. Reading for specific information
Read the article again and answer the questions 1-7 below. Choose a, b,
c or d.
1. What does the writer mean by the phrase ‘our fascination with
extraterrestrials reached a peak’ in line 10?
a. People were interested in aliens more than ever before.
2. Why did CharlesCros want to build an enormous mirror?
c. He wanted to communicate with Martians.
3. How long have people been sending messages to outer space in the
hope of contacting extraterrestrials?
b. since the 1970s
4. Pioneer 10
b. had no astronauts.
5. What will happen in about 40,000 years?
d. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 will get to Alpha Centauri.
6. Why isn’t a reply to the Arecibo Message expected in the near
d. The distance the message has to cover is extremely long.
7. By downloading SETI@home software, personal computer users can
a. assist in the search for signals from alien life-forms.
4. Guessing the meaning of unknown words
1-rapidسريع quick
2-illuminated مضاء lit up
3-sophisticatedمتطور advanced
4-representativeنموذجي typical
6-determineيقرر decide
1. Words easily confused
peak الذروة
height ارتفاع الشيء عن سطح البحر
topالطابق الأعلى – أعلى شيء في مكان
1. It’s impossible to get through on the phone at this time of day
because it’s thepeak hour.
2. It takes me only one minute to climb to the topfloor of the building
using the stairs.
3. From thisheight , you can see the ocean.
notice يلاحظ – يلفت انتباهه لشيء
remark يعطي ملاحظة عن شيء أي يقول رأيه
observeيراقب حدوث شيء ليرى الخطأ فيه او يفعل مثله
4. I’m supposed to observe the surgeon so that I can see how the
operation is done.
5. Did you notice which way the red car went?
6. John remarked that my room was a mess, which was actually quite rude
of him.
signal اشارة لاسلكية – جسدية محددة -
sign لافتة تنبيهية مكتوبة مثل لافتات الطرق
symbolرمز أو صورة تعبر عن شيء
gestureأحد تعبيرات الوجه او الايماءات ذات المعنى
7-I’m sorry, I didn’t see the stopsign .
8-Give me thesignal when you’re ready to leave.
9-When you make this i n my country, it means that you’re bored.
10-The dove is a symbolof peace.
location موقع الشيء- الشخص – مكان وجوده( متغير )
position وضع جسدي معين
site موقع ثابت لا يتغير
spotبقعة من الأرض
11-My neck hurts today, so I must have slept in a strange positionlast
12-The locationof the submarine is top secret.
13-The Valley of the Butterflies is a well-known beauty spoton the
island and attracts many tourists.
14-The archaeological sitedates back to the Bronze Age.
transfer يحول مال – شيء الى شيء اخرمختلف
transmit ينقل بث – ارسال – أمراض
transportينقل أشخاص عبر وسائل المواصلات
15. They are very careful about hygiene, so as not to transmit diseases
from one person toanother.
16. Will you please tell me how to transferthe money to my bank
17. There is a bus that will transportyou to the swimming pool, if you
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