Advantages of Studying Abroad
 تعبير انجليزي عن  studying abroad
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advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad paragraph
فوائد الدراسة في الخارج بالانجليزي
studying abroad disadvantages
ايجابيات وسلبيات الدراسة في الخارج
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برجراف عن السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
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 تعبير عن الابتعاث بالانجليزي
مميزات وعيوب الدراسة في الخارج بالانجليزي
برجراف عن السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
فوائد الدراسة في الخارج بالانجليزي
سلبيات وايجابيات السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
ايجابيات وسلبيات الدراسة في الخارج
مزايا وعيوب السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الابتعاث
تعبير انجليزي عن ايجابيات الدراسه في الخارج
وائد الدراسة في الخارج بالانجليزي
مميزات وعيوب الدراسة في الخارج
اهمية الدراسة في الخارج
تعبير عن الابتعاث بالانجليزي
مزايا وعيوب السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
مشاكل الدراسة في الخارج
سلبيات وايجابيات السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
برجراف عن السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
مقارنة بين الدراسة في الخارج والداخل
 ايجابيات وسلبيات الدراسة في الخارج
سلبيات الدراسة في الخارج بالانجليزي
اهمية الدراسة في الخارج
مشاكل الدراسة في الخارج
فوائد الدراسة في الخارج بالانجليزي
سلبيات الابتعاث
مقارنة بين الدراسة في الخارج والداخل
اسباب الدراسة في الخارج
مزايا وعيوب السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
 study abroad

To study abroad ? Both fascinating and frightening? If you are still a little reluctant to take the plunge, the main reasons for leaving your native country. Dare the adventure!
Going abroad to study is not improvised! Above all, are you going for the right reasons? Here are 5 of them to remember.
1- Learning a foreign language
Being bilingual seems, today, a necessity. And what better way to learn a foreign language than a total immersion? The continuous practice of a language with the natives of the country is the best way to control it. Thanks to your studies, you can even possess a technical vocabulary, specific to a domain of competence (management, finances, communication ...). An invaluable asset for recruiters. Besides the professional advantage, mastering other languages ​​will make you easier to make friends and why not settle in the country later! But do not delude yourself, even on the spot it takes time to become a polyglot. Allow at least three months for a good command of the language.
A stay of one year is of course the ideal.
2- Discover a new culture
Globalization has standardized most cultures, but not totally! Each one keeps its specificities. It can then be interesting to discover other lifestyles, this will give you a greater open-mindedness. You will realize that there are different ways of thinking and seeing things. With a sharp critical mind you will now have points of comparison to judge events at home or elsewhere.
3- Guaranteed personal fulfillment
Delivered to yourself, this unknown land trip will make you mature. Without your loved ones, you will have to manage on your own. A unique experience to gain self-confidence! You will learn to know yourself better but also to open yourself up to others. With your many encounters and your new resourcefulness, you will come back transformed.
4- Learning differently
The teaching methods are not the same elsewhere here, in your home! You will have to adapt to a learning environment where the rules are different. For example, in Anglo-Saxon countries, teachers encourage personal reflection on the return of courses. Similarly, homework is not handwritten but typed at the computer, as in professional life! Do not panic: you will surely live up to it. If you are accepted into a foreign school, this usually means that you are a good student. Indeed, the selection is done mostly on file and according to the motivation displayed.
5- Valuing your resume
The ultimate goal of studying abroad is to showcase his training. In the age of globalization, an international career has more value for the recruiter. This shows that you are self-sufficient, open-minded with some intellectual curiosity. Living outside France is also a matter of ingenuity and adaptability. Highly desirable qualities in the world of work. In addition, this overseas experience will be the way to differentiate yourself from others and make you more easily a place on the job market. Do not forget to put it on your CV!

the 10 benefits of study trips abroad.
1. Get inspired:
It is important to understand, to get out of our borders to see the world by changing perspective, to rub shoulders with other cultures, from other points of view. This is true for business but also for personal and professional development.
2. Experience the international adventure
More and more retailers and retailers are going to observe store concepts or business practices. Nothing beats a field visit to live the consumer experience through the savvy eyes of a brand or distributors.
3. Locate fairs or make custom trips
Making a mission abroad on trade shows, conferences or congresses is the way to discuss with foreign peers in a privileged way. And also detect trends or identify start-ups that will become big. It is also a way to share the opinions of CEOs, marketing directors or the brand (eg Macy's, Ben & Jerry ...).
4. Boost your positive energy
Take a step back and go on a study trip abroad, this gives an incredible energy! This makes it possible to relativize but also to renew itself.
The list of priorities is often reviewed on return, to create a new action plan.
5. Praise curiosity and anticipate changes
This is essential for survival and prosperity in the world today.
It is as important as intelligence, "said a prominent Harvard professor. We must not limit ourselves to what is happening in the USA, because in many countries the trends are interesting to observe.
6. Take a world tour of marketing and consumers
In the USA, but also in Asia, retail is exploding, in Indonesia, for example, in the booming consumer markets where marketing and customer relations are different.
7. Improve your business model or expand Business again
Sarenza was inspired by Zappos in the USA; in Germany, Xing looked from the side of Linkedin. The reverse is also true, Gilt in the US was inspired by Private Sale before the latter established a partnership with Amex.
8. Experience the experience:
Can you be an expert in capturing information on your computer? Nothing beats the experience, lived in the field, meeting with actors, living outside the borders, out of the box!
9. Meet your community in live and not just online.
Create personal relationships and share trust.

It is not only the Salons but also the Learning Expeditions: it is training on the ground. For example in China, it is important to observe the life of the consumer, because the day he comes to France to consume, one must understand how it works.
Disadvantages of studying abroad
Sometimes, going abroad is an obligation to follow specific studies, sometimes it is a choice in order to gain access to renowned schools or to build up an international experience in order to strengthen their CV. In any case, a long-term stay permanently marks a person.

Being able to study abroad means being able to learn a foreign language and being able to practice it more easily. Being away from family means learning to be much more responsible and autonomous, it is an enriching experience on many criteria. Some students highlight a quality higher education and better quality abroad, a great opportunity to discover another culture and other traditions through the meeting of people from very different backgrounds. Living from new experiences allows us to see things differently and allows us to make a general point about ourselves, we gain in maturity.

In all countries of the world, foreigners will experience ups and downs. It is important to be aware of this in order to prepare well and not to be discouraged when you are in the hollow of the wave. There is often an alternation of happy and unhappy phases. The first weeks are those of discovery and wonder. Longer or longer depending on people and countries, this phase is followed by a period of rejection of the host country, everything seems complicated and attacks us. Fortunately, people are able to take the marks and create new personal habits in this new environment.

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