تعبير انجليزي عن  recycling
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اعادة تدوير البلاستيك بالانجليزي
paragraph about recycling
تقرير عن اعادة تدوير الورق بالانجليزي
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بحث قصير عن اعادة التدوير بالانجليزي
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إِعَادَة تَدْوِير في الإنجليزية
موضوع عن اعادة تدوير و التصنيع
ترجمة و معنى   recycling
برجراف عن اعادة التدوير بالانجليزي
اعادة تدوير البلاستيك بالانجليزي
موضوع قصير عن اعادة التدوير
جمل عن اعادة التدوير
موضوع عن النفايات بالانجليزي
بحث عن اعادة تدوير البلاستيك بالانجليزي
اعادة تصنيع بالانجليزي
عبارات جميلة عن اعادة التدوير
تقرير عن اعادة تدوير الورق بالانجليزي
موضوع قصير عن اعادة التدوير
برزنتيشن عن اعادة التدوير
اعادة تدوير البلاستيك بالانجليزي
تعريف اعادة التدوير بالانجليزي
بحث عن اعادة تدوير البلاستيك بالانجليزي
جمل عن اعادة التدوير
موضوع عن recycle
موضوع عن النفايات بالانجليزي
رزنتيشن عن اعادة التدوير
موضوع عن اعادة التدوير بالانجليزي
موضوع قصير عن اعادة التدوير
عبارات جميلة عن اعادة التدوير
تعريف اعادة التدوير
تدوير المواد في علم البيئة
اهداف اعادة التدوير
تدوير النفايات
اعادة تدوير البلاستيك بالانجليزي
اعادة تدوير الورق بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن عن اعادة التدوير
اعادة تدوير النفايات بالانجليزي
جمل عن اعادة التدوير
تقرير عن اعادة تدوير الورق بالانجليزي
موضوع قصير عن اعادة التدوير
بحث قصير عن اعادة التدوير بالانجليزي
بحث عن اعادة تدوير البلاستيك بالانجليزي

Recycling is a process for the treatment of metals, plastics, waste (industrial waste or garbage), which makes it possible to reintroduce, in the production cycle of a product, materials that made up a similar product at the end of its life, or residues Manufacturing. One example illustrating this process is that of the manufacture of new bottles with the glass of used bottles, even if it is considerably less energy efficient than the system of returnable glass containers (milk, mineral water, vinegar, oil , wine1, yogurt jars ...) in the 1950s.
Recycling has two major ecological consequences:
• reducing the volume of waste, and therefore the pollution it causes (some materials take decades or even centuries to degrade);
• the preservation of natural resources, since the recycled material is used instead of the one that should have been extracted2.
It is one of the economic activities of the consumer society. Some processes are simple and inexpensive, but conversely, others are complex, costly and unprofitable. In this area, the objectives of ecology and those of consumers meet, but sometimes diverge; then the legislator intervenes. Thus, especially since the years, recycling is an important activity of the economy and living conditions of the developed countries.
The three main principles of recycling

1. Reduce: groups actions at the production level to reduce the tonnages of objects (eg packaging) likely to end up in waste;
2. Reuse: regroups actions to reuse a used product to give it a second life, for an identical or different use;
3. Recycle: refers to all waste collection and treatment operations that allow the waste materials to be reintroduced into a manufacturing cycle.
Recycling contributes to reducing the quantities of waste to be disposed of in landfill or incineration, but it is insufficient to curb the increase in waste production, or is hardly enough. Thus, in the case of Quebec, the significant increase in the recycling rate, from 18% to 42% between 1988 and 2002, was accompanied by an increase in the amount of waste to be disposed of per capita, from 640 to 870 kg / year / person, due to an 80% increase in per capita waste production during the same period. In France, the volume of waste doubled from 1980 to 2005, reaching 360 kg / year / person. But in 2006, recycling saved about 2.3% of total French consumption of non-renewable energy3. However, the recycling rate is still judged by the European Environment Agency (EEA) to be low in 2013 and insufficient to meet commitments within the EU (recycling 50% of household and similar wastes by 2020) 4 .
The recycling chain
• Step 1: Waste collection
Waste recycling begins with the collection of waste.
In developed countries, household waste is usually incinerated or buried in landfills for non-hazardous waste. Waste collected for recycling is not intended for landfilling or incineration, but for processing. The collection is organized accordingly.
Selective collection, also referred to as "separative" and often mistakenly called "selective sorting" 8, is the most widespread form for waste to be recycled. The principle of selective collection is as follows: the person who discards the waste sorts it himself. Bag tax is a good way of encouraging people to sort out waste, because only non-recyclable waste usually ends up in these taxed bags, with recyclable waste being deposited in places where there is no tax.
As a result of the collection, the waste, sorted or not, is sent to a sorting center where different mechanized operations make it possible to sort them in order to optimize the transformation operations. Manual sorting by operators in front of a treadmill often completes these automatic operations. Before this stage, the broken glass is systematically removed to avoid the risk of injury.
• Step 2: Transformation
Once sorted, the waste is taken over by the processing plants. They are integrated into the chain of transformation that is specific to them. They enter the chain in the form of waste and leave it as a ready-to-use material.
• Step 3: Marketing and Conservation
Once processed, the recycled raw materials are used for the manufacture of new products which will in turn be offered to consumers.

At the end of life, these products will probably be discarded, and some of them will be recovered and recycled again.

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