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تعبير قصير عن الاهرامات بالانجليزي
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تعبير بالانجليزي عن بلد تتمنى زيارتها
تعبير انجليزي 100 كلمة
تعبير انجليزي 150 كلمة
تعبير انجليزي 102
تعبير انجليزي للصف 11
تعبير انجليزي للصف 12
تعبير انجليزي صف 11
تعبير انجليزي متوقع 2014
تعبير انجليزي متوقع 2015

paragraph about pyramids

pyramids of giza
information about pyramids of giza
presentation about pyramids of egypt
how many pyramids in egypt
معلومات عن  egyptian pyramids
who built the pyramids
paragraph about pyramids of giza
      pyramids     مترجم  

The pyramids of Egypt, of all the monumental vestiges bequeathed to us by the Egyptians of Antiquity, and in particular the three great pyramids of Giza, are at the same time the most impressive and the most emblematic of this civilization. If it was originally intended for the king, the idea of ​​a pyramidal burial was quickly taken up by the relatives of the sovereign. He seems to have been the first to authorize his women to have such a tomb.
Tombs of kings, queens and great figures of the State, whose edification dates back to the great majority in the Old Kingdom, the pyramidal form of stone houses one or more internal chambers connected by corridors. The Great Pyramid of Giza, built by Kheops, is part of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and is listed as a World Heritage of Humanity.

From mastabas to pyramids
The mastaba, a quasi-rectangular construction, was the burial place of the sovereigns of the Old Kingdom. The reasons for the passage of the mastabas to the pyramids are not clearly established, but there is usually a desire to reach increasing heights to show the importance and power of the deceased pharaoh. The first single-storey mastabas first evolved into two-storey mastabas to accommodate new funerary structures, with the second stage being less wide and lower than the first. At the beginning of the third dynasty (around -2700 to -2600), the mastabas became so-called pyramids, consisting of several successive stages. The first and most famous of these graduated pyramids is the pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, whose architect was Imhotep. Imhotep wanted to erect a graduated pyramid rising like a gigantic stairway to the sky to symbolize the ascent of the deceased from the "underworld" to the "heavens".
The next step in the evolution of the pyramids was the construction by King Snefrou of a "rhomboidal pyramid" on the site of Dahshur. The rhomboidal pyramid is an intermediate step between the graduated pyramid and the smooth-faced pyramid. The rhomboidal pyramid is a pyramid whose smooth surfaces constitute a slope with decreasing slope sections in the direction of the apex. The non-uniformity of this slope could be explained by architectural difficulties and by the instability of the masonry of the pyramid. This type of pyramid is the last step leading to the final stage of the evolution of the pyramids of Egypt towards the smooth-faced pyramid of the 4th dynasty (around -2573 to -2454). Among the most famous are the pyramids of the Pharaohs Kheops, Khafre and Mykérinos in Giza near Cairo.
There are thus four major forms of pyramids:
The pyramid with degrees: pyramid in the form of staircase, originally a superposition of mastabas of different bases. For example, the pyramid of Djoser has six tiers for a height of 60 meters and a base of 109 meters × 121 meters. The slabs of masonry, inclined by 16 ° with respect to the vertical, are 2.60 meters high.
The rhomboidal pyramid: a pyramid with two inclined planes, one from the bottom to the middle of the building (58 ° slope), the other towards the point (43 ° 22 '). This break in slope is due to a change of plan during construction1.
The pyramid with smooth faces: pyramid with four straight walls, covered with very fine limestone giving them a smooth appearance. The Pyramid of Khéops reached 146 meters in height (currently 138 meters) for a base of 230 meters and a slope of 51 ° 50 '. That of Khéphren has a slope of 53 ° for a height of 143,50 meters and a base of 215 meters. As for Mykerinos, it measured 66 meters in height for a base of 105 meters and a slope of 51 ° 20 '.
The pyramid in the shape of a sarcophagus: in spite of certain inscriptions designating them as pyramids, these mausoleums are not strictly geometrical.

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