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One thing at a time. Man can not live out of time. Our worries in life can not intimidate the pace of time. Every second is paramount. Be patient and you will never be ahead of time. Every day is unique.
As a good ecclesiastic the wise Solomon said: "There is a time for every thing." Our hurries can neither delay time nor advance it. Time at its own pace, it's never too late or too early. For the time, it is the moment itself.
Man tends to despise the importance of time in his life. And, those who think they must take a lead over time. What an idea ? One must be satisfied with living every day in the present and the future will do the rest. The present determines the future.
A fraction of a second is enough, however, to change the course of history, the course of a lifetime. For example, in a World Cup final in the United States in a match between Brazil and Argentina. Brazil are led by 2 goals to 1. During the additional minutes, the Argentines are jubilant, a victory almost acquired. This will be a new trophy in their charts. Warning ! Time has not yet said its last word. During the last few seconds, Brazilian Adriano scored the equalizer goal that changed the eventual end of this story. After the extra time, Brazil will win the final in the penalty shoot-outs. This liberating goal is not only a goal, it symbolizes the upheaval of the history of football. It changes people's perceptions and perceptions. To this end, in the battle you fight on a daily basis, you should never give up. Never give up. All you need is a second reflection to change everything. You're missing a fraction of a second so that everything goes away. As long as you live, keep hope for a happy future. Hope again.
Time is healer, it is a therapist par excellence. In your sorrows, your worries, your illnesses and your regrets. Why not leave the past in the past? You are no longer the same person. Your body has changed, your old cells are aging, dying and regenerating. Time changes, every day brings new information and compels to adapt to life continually. Do not you notice that you are no longer the same person. The human machine is extraordinary and competent to free yourself and relieve you of your problems. Time can make you forget. Time can heal wounds. Time opens a new page by getting rid of your destructive thoughts and regrets. Freedom from the prison of the past. Love life and that of others.

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Be patient. Nature itself is patient and uses time wisely every day. One thing at a time. The farmer knows very well, what season corresponds to each plant for a better harvest. He also knows that grain does not grow immediately when sown. It takes time to begin all development processes up to harvest time. "Before you know how to fly, you must have wings," said Nietzsche. A disciple in the temple of Shaolin does not become a master one fine day. He is listening daily to his master. He is taught all the principles and instructions and given the necessary education. He must show dignity, respect and honesty. He is subjected to many trials to be certain that he is worthy to replace the master. If everything goes well, the master can leave in peace. Why are you so impatient? Impatient, could not wait for the green light. Think about it.

Whatever your social class, race, personality, and beliefs; we have 24 hours of time a day. Time is universal, it does not make a gift. Time is precious. In life, every moment is crucial. You can never go back to the past to correct mistakes. You will never be able to live the same day in a month, in a year, or in the entire life of your life. Time is a gift. Live every present of your life as the last.

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