تعبير بالانجليزي عن طبيب الاسنان
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تعبير عن الحلم بالانجليزي قصير
طبيب الأسنان هو الشخص المسؤول عن تشخيص الأمراض التي تصيب الفم
تعبير قصير عن الطبيب بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن مهنة حرفة طبيب الاسنان
تعبير عن طبيب الاسنان
دكتور الاسنان بالانجليزي
تقرير عن وظيفة عمل مهنة تحبها طبيب الاسنان باللغة الانجليزية
برجراف عن طبيب الاسنان بالانجليزي
معلومات عن طبيب الاسنان بالانجليزي
محادثة باللغة الانجليزية مع طبيب اسنان
موضوع عن طبيب الاسنان
معلومات عن مهنة طب الاسنان
 Dentist surgeon is a health professional specializing in the management of tooth and gum disease. The dentist is a doctor who follows his patients from childhood, then all their lives. He cures, advises on oral hygiene and reassures.
How to Become a Dentist? Find here the missions, training required, remuneration for this profession.
Mission of the profession: Dentist
The dentist has medical training. Its missions are multiple and change according to the age of the patient and his needs. The dentist is feared by children and sometimes by adults. He must know how to care for each patient by reassuring him.
Role of the dentist
A dentist, like a doctor, has to adapt to each of his patients. His roles are therefore numerous. Whether salaried or self-employed, it is:
• Carry out dental check-ups of each of his patients,
• Heal sick teeth, repair broken teeth and sometimes extract a tooth or several,
• To treat the different pathologies that concern the teeth and the gums,
• Choosing and controlling the various dental appliances intended for his patients, he must also carry out the moldings which will help in the custom-made manufacture of the equipment,
• Preventing scaling and counseling patients,
• Perform X-rays,
• Perform small operations such as wisdom teeth extraction, pivot placement or gum grafting,
• Respect the prevention programs created by the health authorities, in particular the M'T dents program, which offers prevention meetings and free care for children and adolescents,
• Reassure patients,
• Prescribe treatments adapted to patients' pathologies,
• Train future dentists.
Becoming a Dentist: Qualifications
The dentist cares for his patients from early childhood. Because a dentist appointment is often synonymous with pain, the professional must have good human qualities in order to reassure the patients and to explain to them the progress of the care.
Because it deals with basic care such as scaling and more important operations such as the pivot implant, the dentist must have a great deal of medical and anatomical knowledge. He must be able to read X-rays and even manage emergencies.
The dentist must be precise and master each of his tools. It works with meticulousness and must maintain a high level of concentration. The dental surgeon must also keep abreast of new technologies and training to master them.
Dentist: career / possibility of evolution:
To become a dentist, there is only one training. Once graduated, the professional can work within a structure as an employee or open his own practice.
It is difficult to evolve once a dentist. Some opt for a specialization such as orthodontics. Others devote part of their time to research or humanitarian actions.
More rarely a dentist can take over the direction of a department or a firm and hire his own employees.

Becoming a dentist: training needed
To become a dentist, you must have a low-S in your pocket and take the path of medicine. It is the ranking in the first year competition that will open the doors of a dental career.
A dentist must do minimum 6 years of study. At the end of the 5th year, some will choose a short course of one year or a long course. The latter allows to become a doctor in dental surgery after the writing and defense of a thesis.
Situation of the trade / context to become Dentist
The profession of dentist is a highly sought after trade. France lacks dentists and, to have an appointment, patients wait several weeks, even several months.

On the other hand, the path is long and very selective. We must not make the mistake of choosing a dental career because we have failed the medical competition. Being a dentist must be a vocation.

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