تعبير انجليزي عن جهاز الكمبيوتر
موضوع عن الكمبيوتر بالانقلش
رسنتيشن عن الكمبيوتر  الانلقليزي
برزنتيشن عن الكمبيوتر
خمس جمل عن الكمبيوتر بالانجليزي
بحث عن اهمية الكمبيوتر فى حياتنا اليومية باللغة الانجليزية
بحث عن الكمبيوتر باللغة الانجليزية 
بحث عن الكمبيوتر باللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الاعدادى
برجراف عن الكمبيوتر بالانجليزى مترجم
خاتمه عن الكمبيوتر بالانجليزي
برجراف عن الكمبيوتر والانترنت باللغة الانجليزية

تعبير عن الكمبيوتر
موضوع عن الكمبيوتر بالانقلش
بحث عن الكمبيوتر باللغة الانجليزية الكمبيوتر,بحث عن الكمبيوتر,مكونات الكمبيوتر
موضوع عن الكمبيوتر لطلبة المدارس
بحث عن الكمبيوتر باللغة الانجليزية
بحث حول الكمبيوتر
أهمية الكمبيوتر في حياتنا
 تعبير انجليزي عن جهاز الكمبيوتر
خمس جمل عن الكمبيوتر بالانجليزي
بحث عن الكمبيوتر باللغة الانجليزية
بحث عن اهمية الكمبيوتر فى حياتنا اليومية باللغة الانجليزية
خاتمه عن الكمبيوتر بالانجليزي
برجراف عن الكمبيوتر والانترنت باللغة الانجليزية
بحث عن الكمبيوتر باللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الاعدادى
تعبير عن الكمبيوتر
موضوع عن الكمبيوتر
A computer is a programmable electronic machine which operates by sequentially reading a set of instructions organized into programs which cause it to perform logical and arithmetic operations on binary digits. As soon as it is powered on, a computer executes, one after the other, instructions that make it read, manipulate and then rewrite a set of data. Conditional tests and jumps make it possible to change the next instruction, and thus to act differently depending on the data or the necessities of the moment.
The data to be manipulated are obtained either by reading memories or by reading interface components (peripherals) which represent external physical data in binary values (moving a mouse, key pressed on a keyboard, temperature, Speed, compression ...). Once used, or manipulated, the data is rewritten either in memory or in components that can transform a binary value into a physical action (writing to a printer or monitor, accelerating or braking a vehicle, changing Temperature of a furnace, etc.). The computer can also respond to interrupts that allow it to execute response programs specific to each, and then resume sequential execution of the interrupted program.
From 1834 to 1837, Charles Babbage designed a programmable calculating machine by combining the inventions of Blaise Pascal and Jacquard, commander, with written instructions on punched cards, one of the descendants of the first machine that assisted human intelligence: Pascaline1. It was during this period that he imagined most of the features of the modern computer. Babbage spent the rest of his life trying to build his analytical machine, but without success. Many people became interested and tried to develop this machine3, but it was a hundred years later, in 1937, that IBM would inaugurate the computer age by beginning the development of ASCC / Mark I, a A machine based on the architecture of Babbage which, once realized, will be considered as the completion of his dream.
The current computer technology dates back to the mid-20th century. They can be categorized according to several criteria5 such as scope, size or architecture.

Computers nowadays have a lot of applications. They are everywhere, often without being seen. Their use in the home is constantly increasing. It can be used, for example, to play video games or to write texts. They have allowed the emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web. There are many computer brands like apple isus oshiba michrosoft, etc.

The term "bug" comes from an incident when testing on a computer. An insect caused a system failure. The insect translation into English is simply "bug".

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