Getting Your Life Organised

                                                                                                                                           I.            Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and then answer the questions :
While you’re doing this, though, don’t forget your old friends or your family. They won’t understand everything you’re doing now, but theyshould remain an important part of your support group. Contact your parents to tell them you’re fine (even if you don’t actually feel so fine). Remember: they’re concerned about you and they themselves are also having to get used to life without you.
    As you settle in, you’ll find life is far less organized for you now. Yes, you’ll have lectures, but you’ll also have many hours with nothing scheduled. Some people grab the chance to be lazy with both hands, but don’t let yourself get like that. If you want to do well, you have to use that free time well. In fact, it isn’t really ‘free’at all. You need lots of it to get all your work done properly. We’re certainly not saying you should work all the time. If you did, you’d soon bum out. Besides, a good social life is an essential part of the university experience. The important thing is balance really, and to get the balance right you need to do your work efficiently. It’s a good idea to write weekly and daily ‘to do’ list, setting your top priorities. Then you won’t suddenly face nasty surprises such as a 1,000- word essay you have to write by tomorrow morning! Get into regular working habits. For example, always write out lecture notes quickly, while the lecture is still fresh in your mind. Don’t write mountains of notes. Instead, note the main points and any references for further reading. All this reading will probably include journals and materials from the internet as well as books. Here, the library becomes very important. You may be given a tour of this (and other university facilities). If not, give yourself a tour. Find out where the books and journals you’ll need are kept. Check the computer and photocopy facilities. When you read, read actively. That’s to say, ask questions, make notes of important points, and compare what you read with other things you’ve studied.
This is essential preparation for essays and exams you will have to do. In the past, you probably only had to produce on paper just what you were taught. Now you have to think for yourself and produce your own ideas. In this, too, as in so many other ways, university life really is a whole new world!
1-Answer the following questions:
1-What is a support group?
Family and friends.
2-What happens if you work all the time?
You will burn out.
3-What should you write, during the lecture?
The main points .
4-What does your reading include?
Journals, materials from the internet as well as books.
5-What’s the difference between school exams and university exams?
In school exams , you produce on paper what you have learnt but in university exams you have to think for yourself and produce your own ideas .
2-Find the synonym  in the passage:
1-take the chance : grab the chance
2-Father and mother : parents
3-accustomed to :used to
5-get in touch : contact
3-Find the opposite in the passage:
1-irregular : regular
2-badly : well
3-disorganised : organized
4-unimportant :important
5-inactively :actively
4-What do the words in bold refer to?
1-they : your parents.
2-free :time you do nothing in it / without paying money
3-‘to do’ lists: lists of things you are to do during a day or a week or at a specific period of time “agenda”
4-Here :in this point of.
5-this: thinking for yourself to produce your own ideas
5-Choose the correct answer:
1-Your parents are concerned about you.
a) on               b) about                     c) out              d) at
2-You should find out where the books and journals are
a) find             b) know                    c) tell              d) study
3-Note the main points
a) full stops   b) points                    c)commas      d) colons
4-You may  be given a tour.
a)are               b) is                            c) be               d) was
5-Think foryourself.
a)on                b)at                            c)for                d) in

                                                                                                                                                                II.            Vocabulary

1-Complete the “do ,make and have” expressions with words from the box

cooking - difference - homework - housework - list – meal= cook –meal= eat -- mistake - noise - party - progress - project -- rest -revision - shower - suggestion —test- time - walk - washing.

some cooking
a  difference
a meal
some homework
a list
a party
a project
a meal
a rest
some housework
a mistake
a shower
some revision
a noise
a  test
a test
some progress
(the) washing
a  suggestion
a walk


2-Use ‘do’ or ‘make’ or ‘have’ in the following sentences. Be sure to put the verb in
appropriate form.
1. May I makea telephone call?
2. Please stop making so much noise!
3. She’s doingher homework at the moment.
4. Would you like me to make you a cup of tea?
5. Could you dothe ironing first?
6. I usually havea shower after training.
7. I don’t havetime for playing, I must study.
8. It took him a long time to make a decision,
9. Do you mind doingthe washing-up this evening?
1 0.After she had done the housework, she went shopping.
12. I usually havebreakfast in a restaurant.
13-.You look tired .You should have a rest.
14- He failed in the exam because he made a lot of mistakes.
15- Can you make a list of the things you need for the party?
16- I hada wonderful walk round the garden yesterday.
17- What sort of job do you do? I am a doctor.
18- I hadmy birthday party yesterday and my mother made a cake for me.
19- It is a difficult question. Can I make a suggestion?
20- At the moment, we are doing  a project about olive trees.
3-Form a suitable word pair from the words in the box to accompany the sentences:

1-He is not good, because he has some bad working habits.
2-My top priority is to succeed
3-We don’t have a students’ union in our school.
4-Try to play sport in your free time.
5-Your support group helps you to overcome your troubles.
                                                                                                                                                                   III.            Structure
1-Turn the following into polite indirect forms: Begin with the starter in brackets
1- Is the library open at the weekend and during holidays? (I wonder)
I wonder if the library is open at the weekends and during the holidays.
2- What day do lectures start? (Can you tell me?)
Can you tell me what day lectures start?
3- Has John arrived? (Do you know?)
Do you know if John has arrived?
4- Where is the way to the bus station? (May I ask?)
May I ask where the way to the bus station is?
5- What time does the film start? (Can I ask?)
Can I ask what time the film starts?

2-Choose correct answer:
1-Yesterday, I didmy homework and went to bed,
a) had                         b) did              c) make                     d) made
2-We will makea journey to Rafah.
a) do               b) make         c) made                      d) had
3-She didthe cooking and I had the meal
a) do -have    b) did -have   c) did-had                  d) had -did
4- They are tidy. They have good organization.
a) organizing             b) organizer   c) organization                    d) organism
5-I often fill in  questionnaireat school.
a) question    b) questioner            c) questioned                       d) questionnaire

3-Fill in the with one word from the box:

get off    top            goals                 planner             stick to       
1-When am I going to stick to schedule?
2-While we were travelling, a man wanted to get off.
3-Some people have no goals in their lives.
4- He is one of the top students.
5-Draw yourself a planner and follow it.
4-Add the correct preposition in the following sentences from the box:
into                on                            out
6-I can’t get onwith her. She is tough.
2-Ali got intomusic and he is making progress.
3-When she received the prize, she got out the words” Thank you”.
4-Finishing Tawjihi means getting into university.
5-The police officer got his gun out and shot in the air.

IV. Writing

1- Write a composition with the title “Organizing My Life”. Use the ideas given to expand in your paragraphs.
-Introduction about your life now.
-Good things that you are already doing.
-Things that you should do to improve.
- Conclusion: How your life will be when you do those things.

Organizing My Life
My life today is different from yesterday because we learn a new thing every day and this affects our planner. We react according to situations and change goals to suit them. So I believe it is important to organize my life.
It seems that I already do a few things quite well. For example, I set my goals: to succeed in Tawjihi and get into university. I also identified ‘time wasters’ and avoided them already.
But, still there are few things that I should do. First I should stop putting off urgent jobs and get into good working habits.
Because time doesn’t wait, I will change my way in order to create a change to a better future and consequently a better job with a good salary and a better lifestyle.

                                                                                                                                                              IV.            Literature:
A}War is never over
Section A:
1-Circle the correct answer:
1-The poet believes that treaties may not end wars.
a)      war is over.
b)     treaties stop wars.
c)      treaties may not end wars.
d)     memories of the battle are forgotten.
2-Only soldiers hold  memories of war known only to them.
a)      their minds and weapons.
b)     memories of war that everybody knows.
c)      treaties of peace.
d)     memories of war known only to them.
3-‘Nam’ veterans is  short for American soldiers in Vietnam.
a)      short for American soldiers in Guantanamo.
b)     short for American soldiers in Iraq.
c)      short for British soldiers in Vietnam.
d)     short for American soldiers in Vietnam.
3-Decide whether each of the following is True or False :
1-     The poet was a soldier and fought against Japan in WW2. ( T )
2-     Soldiers may have nightmares. (T)
3-     Freedom is free. (F)
People, who wait for the heroes to welcome them home, feel sad because their relatives will never come back as they might have got killed in the battlefield.

5-“No freedom is free” Comment.

The writer believes that wars start because of the fight for freedom and this freedom can never be gained unless souls are paid for it as its price
Section B:
1-Answer the following questions:
1.      What treaties does the poet mean?
Peace treaties between the fighting nations.
2.      What does the writer mean by ‘heroes’?
He means the soldiers who come back alive after the war.
3.      Why “many still are waiting “?
They are still waiting for the heroes who got killed during the war and may never come back again
4.      What brings memories of war to human minds?
Other wars do bring memories.
5.      Can both armies win victory?
No, only on party can win the battle and become victorious.

B} Be Strong:
Section A:
1-Circle the correct answer:
1-The title of the poem is an order to be carried out.
a)      a piece of advice to build your body .
b)     an order to be carried out.
c)      a polite request.
d)     a funny expression.
2-If things went wrong, we should blame ourselves.
a)      time and say the days are evil.
b)     the people who cause trouble.
c)      ourselves.
d)     our nation and our countrymen.
3-‘Nam’ veterans is  short for American soldiers in Vietnam.
a)      short for American soldiers in Guantanamo.
b)     short for American soldiers in Iraq.
c)      short for British soldiers in Vietnam.
d)     short for American soldiers in Vietnam.
3-Decide whether each of the following is True or False :
1-     The poet was a soldier and fought against Japan in WW2. ( T )
2-     Soldiers may have nightmares. (T)
3-     Freedom is free. (F)

People, who wait for the heroes to welcome them home, feel sad because their relatives will never come back as they might have got killed in the battlefield.

5-“No freedom is free” Comment.

The writer believes that wars start because of the fight for freedom and this freedom can never be gained unless souls are paid for it as its price
Section B:
1-Answer the following questions:
6.      What treaties does the poet mean?
Peace treaties between the fighting nations.
7.      What does the writer mean by ‘heroes’?
He means the soldiers who came back alive after the war had ended.
8.      Why “many still are waiting”?
They are still waiting for the heroes who may have got killed during the war and may never come back home again
9.      What brings memories of war to human minds?
Other wars do bring memories.
10. Can both armies win victory?
No, only one party can win the battle and become victorious while the other is the loser.

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