Environmental effects of the war on Gaza
      I am writing to describe how the whole Gaza Strip was dangerously affected by the Israeli war on Gaza and try to persuade all the people to cooperate together and stop the destruction of our environment.
   I am sorry to have to say that since the beginning of the war, people have been careless and not interested in life in general. It might be so because of the danger of the non-stop air raids and the feeling of fear, nervousness and uncertainty. The problem grew after the war, where many houses, roads, governmental facilities and the infrastructure became ruins on their spot. These, are considered to be the home of pets and insects which, in their turn, carry diseases and spread dirty smell all over the surrounding area.
    In my opinion, the time has come for action. Hand in hand, we can help the local societies and the Council to clear the affected areas and with the help of  health workers we can get rid of the danger of environmental disaster .
   I very much hope that my letter has helped to convince all the concerned people and be persuaded to clean the streets and farms.

Yours faithfully,
Ibrahim Hussein

I)                  Literature
The bet Part 3
Section (A)
1-Circle the correct answer :
1. The banker remembered the bet almost a day before the end of the agreement.
a)    fifteen years ago.
b)    tomorrow at 12 o’clock.
c)     almost a day before the end of the agreement
d)    at the age of fifteen

2.One of the reasons for the banker losing his fortune is his excitement in the stock exchange.
a)    the bet with the lawyer.
b)    his old age .
c)     his excitement in the stock exchange.
d)    the stormy weather near the lodge.
3-The banker imagined himself as a beggar who needed help
a)    winner of the bet.
b)    rich banker
c)     beggar who needed help.
d)    middle-rank banker.
Decide whether each of the following is True or False:
1.    The banker went out at night to kill the prisoner (T)
2.    The watchman was watching the banker.(F)
3.    The seals on the doors were broken.(   F   )
When the banker tapped with his finger on the window, the prisoner made no movement.
“..., suspicion would fall first upon the watchman”
1.    Who said this? Thebanker
2.    Who is addressed?     Himself
3.    What is the suspicion about? The death of   the prisoner and who killed him.
Section B:
Answer the following questions:
1.    How did the prisoner look like?
He was like an old man and nobody would believe that he was only forty. He was like a skeleton.
2.    What was the prisoner doing when the banker entered the room?
He was sitting at a table; his head was propping on his hand and having a deep sleep.
3.    What was the watchman probably doing?
He was probably sleeping either in the kitchen or in the greenhouse to avoid the weather.
4.    What were lying on the easy chair and the carpet?
Open books were lying everywhere in his room.
5.    What did the banker expect the prisoner to do when he opened the door?
He expected to hear footsteps and his coming out with a cry of astonishment.

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