Dealing with Stress
I.                   Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Emotional effects can include nervousness, depression and anger over small things. Mentally, many people lose concentration and others worry endlessly about small things. Some people sleep badly and suffer bad dreams. Anxiety attacks are a common physical reaction. This is when one’s hands get sweaty, the heart starts beating too fast and one may begin to shake. As for strange behavior, some people start crying for no apparent reason. Othersbegin to eat too much or too little, or drink alcohol or take drugs. Some of these forms of behavior are dangerously self- destructive.
Fortunately, much can be done to reduce or even get rid of negative stress. First, though, people must accept that they are stressed and understand the causes and effects. Having done that, action becomes possible. Several simple things can help. One should eat well-balanced meals and also get regular exercise — walking, swimming or cycling for example. Discussing problems with a student counselor, friend or family member can also help greatly: “a problem shared is a problem halved”.
These are simply general things everybody should do anyway, but there are also particular sorts of action one can take in particular situations. Here are just two; some stressors can be stopped completely — trying to do too many things, for example. Here, people need to study their to do’ lists, decide what is really important, and then find ways of reducing other tasks. Having done this, they will enjoy more the things they still do — and probably do them better, too. Sometimes, stress is impossible to prevent, but much can be done to reduce its effects. With exam preparation, for example, managing time better helps greatly. One should plan a sensible revision timetable and then stick to it. This creates a feeling of control, and this in turn reduces worry and anxiety. Finally, negative stress almost always disappears as something new and difficult in life becomes normal. It may even become fun and exciting-a positive stressor, in other words. Just think of the nervous learner driver who improves and starts looking forward to lessons-and even to the test!
 1-Answer the following questions:
1-What are the emotional effects of stress?
Nervousness, depression, and anger over small things.
2-Why do some people get sweaty hands?
Because they are physically stressed out.
3-How can other forms of behavior be self-destructive?
For example, taking drugs or drinking alcohol cause addiction.
4-Why do some people make ‘to do’ Iists?
Because they set priorities and goals to organize their lives.
5-What does it mean “a problem shared is a problem halved”?
It means that you feel relaxed when others share your own problems and suggest solutions.
6-What do the words in bald refer to?
Others : stressed people . Stressors : causes of stress.
2-Fin the synonym in the passage:
1 -worry: anxiety /nervousness.
2-nightmares: bad dreams.
3-harmful to oneself: self-destructive.
4-weeping: crying.
5-review: study.
3-Find the opposite in the passage:
1-negative: positive.
2-regular: irregular.
3-particular: general.
4-stop: start.
5-better: worse.
6-impossible: possible.
7-prevent: allow.
8-normal: strange.
II.                 Vocabulary

1--Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d:
1-A problem shared is a problem halved.
a) half             b) halfed                   c) halved                    d) halves
2- People need to study their to do’ list..
a) have                       b) study                     c) bring                      d) studied
3-One should plan a sensible timetable.
a)sensible      b) senses                   c) sensitive               d) sense
4-She wants to loseweight.
a) put             b) lose                                   c) have                                   d) miss
5-lf you start missingmeals you can harm yourself.
a) losing         b)missing                   c) putting                   d) doing
2-Put in the correct preposition from the box

down            out             on           in      on
1-She gave in and did what he wanted.
2-He seemed to put on weight.
3-lt gets me downwhen I have an argument with my brother.
4-It stresses me outwhen I have too much work.
5-I can’t concentrate on homework.

3-Give the correct synonym from the box:

animal doctor - discussion   - surrender  -   review  -  get fat – agree - type

1.      argument: discussion
2.      veterinary: animal doctor
3.      put on weight: get fat
4.      study: review
5.      give in: surrender
6.      accept: agree

4-Give the opposite from the box:

hate  - happy - lose weight -  refuse -  wife  - boring-  effect - include

1.      cause: effect
2.      interesting: boring
3.      exclude: include
4.      accept: refuse
5.      husband: wife
6.      love: hate
7.      upset: happy
8.      put on weight: lose weight

5-Put in the suitable adjective from the box:

embarrassed – frightened – scared – angry – nervous – uncertain - uncomfortable

1-I felt very nervousbecause my son had not come yet.
2-She was very frightenedto walk alone at night.
3-My little son made me feel very embarrassed when he broke a cup during a visit to my neighbors.
4-The explosion made people feel so scared that they ran away.
5-When I am hungry, I feel angry.
6-Some students feel uncomfortable during the test.
7-The Palestinians are uncertain of their fate.

                                                                                                                                                                       I.            Language

1-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1-I’ll never forget visiting the pyramids for the first time.
a) to visit       b) visited        c) visiting       d) visits
2-Remember to buy  me a newspaper on your way home.
a) to buy        b) buying       c) bought       d) will buy
3-The wounded man tried  to standon his feet but he couldn’t.
a) stood         b) standing   c) to stand     d) stands
4-After a month of being a head teacher, she went on  to become a supervisor .
a) became      b) to become           c) becoming   d) becomes
5-Losing your money means walking  all the way home.
a) walking      b) to walk      c) to walking  d) walked
6-He stopped  reading only to light a cigarette.
a) reading      b) reads          c) to read       d) ride

2-Read the following situations and write a sentence that suits it:
1-You don’t know what to do this evening. Suggest going to the cinema.
We could go to the cinema. / What about going to the cinema? / Why not go to the cinema?
2-Your friend needs your advice to get high marks in the test. Advise him.
You should work hard. / If I were you, I would work hard.
3-A thief -holding a gun- wants to take your money, and he warns you saying:
If you don’t give me your money, I will kill you.

3-Put in the right verb with the right preposition to fill in the blanks :


1-Ali gave up his job and left to America.
2-My wife sorted out her books on the shelf.
3-We-the Palestinians-will never give in.
4-Look! She looks so sad. Let’s cheer her up.

4-Give the opposite from the box:

badly     thin     happy       future     easy
1-past  : future
2-well : badly
3-difficult: easy
 4-fat: thin
5-sad: happy
                                                                                                                                                                       II.            Writing

1-Write a composition of about 10 lines on the stressful event “War on Gaza”. Use the given ideas to make four paragraphs.
-When, why and what happened.
-Describe your feelings and what you did.
-Write about people’s suggestions, warnings and advice
-Say how it finally ended.
War on Gaza
On the 27th Dec 2009, Israel started a war on the Gaza Strip. Their apparent excuse was to stop the Palestinian home-made rockets but their hidden intention was to strike the people of Gaza hard and to conquer Hamas.
First they began by air strike raids which lasted for about 12 days accompanied by navy shelling to the Gazan coast before the military land operation began. All the people of Gaza were under attack and scared to death. People were worried and uncertain, not knowing what was next. We left our home because we were afraid and we went to live with relatives inside the town .Those whose houses were destroyed, lived in UNRWA schools, others in tents. The total loss in the Palestinian side was about 20,000 homes were destroyed, 1500 killed and 7000 wounded.  People supported each other psychologically and provided each other with food, drinks and shelter. During the war, people would ask themselves the same question again and again: how could this war stop? Nobody did have a real answer.
After 23 days of shelling and bombardment, Israel ceased fire which gave some relief to the Palestinians who did the same thing in a few days later.

VI. Literature: King Lear (Act One)
Section A:
1-Circle the correct answer:
a)      1-King Lear was so tired and so old that he wanted to divide the country among his daughters.
b)     he wanted to leave the country.
c)      he wanted to share the kingdom with his daughters.
d)     he wanted to divide the country among his daughters.
e)      he wanted to know how much his daughters love him.
2-Cordelia’s answer was different becauseshe did not want to compete with her sisters and boast about her love.
a)      she wanted to express her love the same way her sisters did.
b)     she did not want to compete with her sisters and boast about her love.
c)      Lear was shocked by her answer.
d)     she was not married.
3-The King denied his fatherhood to Cordelia since she gave the same answer again.
a)      she wanted to marry the king of France.
b)     Duke of Burgundy wanted to marry her.
c)      she gave the same answer again.
d)     she hated her father so much.
3-Decide whether each of the following is True or False :
1-     Cordelia was the King’s favourite. ( T )
2-     The elder daughters did not really love their father. (T)
3-     The King’s advisors accepted the King’s decision. (F)
Earl of Gloucester had believed his son Edmund that Edgar wanted to kill his father and take his fortune with Edmund.
“I love you as much as a daughter should love her father no more no less”
               a. Who is the speaker ? Cordelia.
b. Who is addressed ? King Lear.
c. What was the occasion? King Lear divided his country among his daughters.
Section B:
1-Answer the following questions:
1.      What country did the King rule?
The king ruled Britain.
2.      How many daughters were married?
Two daughters; Goneril and Regan.
3.      Who was the only one who spoke against the King’s decision?
Earl of Kent.
4.      What was Edmund’s trick?
To get rid of his brother so that he might take his place.
5.      What were Goneril and Regan afraid of?
They were afraid that their father would turn against them in future.

VI. Literature: King Lear (Act two)
Section A:
1-Circle the correct answer:
1-Edgar disguised as a mad man because his father wanted to kill him.
a)      Edmund wanted to kill him.
b)     King Lear wanted to kill him.
c)      he was really mad.
d)     his father wanted to kill him.
2-Edmund cut his arm so that he could convince his father that he was right.

a)      would leave Edgar alone.
b)     could convince his father that he was right.
c)      would fight his brother again.
d)     convince his brother to run away.
3-Kent carried a letter to Regan in order to tell her that the King is coming to stay in her castle.
a)      tell her that the King is coming to stay in her castle.
b)     ask Regan to talk to Goneril.
c)      let Kent be imprisoned .
d)     fight with Oswald.
2-Decide whether each of the following is True or False :
1-     Goneril treated her father well. ( F)
2-     Regan welcomed her father and his knights. (F)
3-     The king realized that he had made a mistake. (T)
Regan wanted to reduce the number of the knights to 25 because the king did not need such a number of knights.
4-“O madam, my heart is cracked, it’s cracked”
               a. Who is the speaker? Gloucester
b. Who is addressed? Regan
c. What was the occasion? On learning that his son, Edgar is planning to get rid of him to take his fortune.
Section B:
1-Answer the following questions:
1.      What was the aim of Edmund’s trick?
To take his brother’s place with his father but through his cunning plan he would get rid of both of them.
2.      What was the content of Goneril’s letter to Regan ?
She complaint about her father and warned her sister that his men were noisy and expensive.
3.      What was the first thing the king saw when he arrived at Regan’s castle?
He saw his own messenger, Kent as a prisoner.
4.      Who else was to blame for the suffering of the King? Why?
King Lear himself was the one to blame because trusted untrue daughters.
5.      Where did Lear go when his daughters refused to shelter him with his knights?
He went out in the storm,at the same night with Kent and his Fool (King’s clown).


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