تعبير بالانجليزي عن قريتي

تعبير بحث انشاء موضوع بالانجليزي عن البادية القرية مكان

تعبير عن مدينتي باللغة الإنجليزيه

قريه صغيره

وصف خصائص القرية

موضوع باللغة الانجليزية عن الحياة في الريف والقرى

تعبير الانقلش

تعبير بالانجليزي عن قريتي

تعبير عن القرية بالانجليزي

وصف القريه بالانجليزي

معنى كلمة قرية بالانجليزي

كيف تكتب القريات بالانجليزي

معنى كلمة village بالعربي

كلمة القريات بالانجليزي

تعبير عن قريتي

معنى القرية بالانجليزي

Description of the village
 In the heart of the Andalusian countryside, surrounded by mountains, is a small typical village.
You can walk through the golden lanes, lined with traditional white houses. A church can be seen high up in the village square, where all the battles of the cock are evoked in the book. Further afield in the countryside, a large flowered and luxurious house belonging to Hérédia is surrounded by olive groves.

This landscape reminds me of the village of Santavela where the family of Frasquita came from. Moreover it is the landscape of the book in which much of the story takes place.

The private houses consisted of several units, following a standard model, with a few minor differences. Several rooms covered with a roof surrounded a large open-air courtyard. This court represented, in reality, the heart of a house.

Its dimensions were quite large, compared to those of the small covered rooms, were dictated by the climatic conditions of Capernaum, where the usual summer temperature is around 35 degrees. The lower rooms of the houses received the day through a series of windows which overlooked the inner courtyard. They served as refuges for the night, at least during the rainy season, and of premises where the inhabitants kept their effects; But most of the activities of everyday life took place in the courtyard. Thus, millstones and ovens are always found in the yard. There the women prepared the meal and the craftsmen worked; It is probably also there that people used to sleep during the summer, lying on mats to the self.

There were no toilets, no drainage systems, and so on. There are no cisterns like Korazin either at Capharnaum or underground silos as at Nazareth. This absence is explained by the proximity of the lake.

From the street, only one door gave access to the courtyard, which bordered several rooms of this type of house; Two or three families shared them and led a patriarchal life there.

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