تعبير بالانجليزي عن سالي
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سالي باللغة اليابانيه والترجمه الإنجليزيه
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تعبير بالانجليزي عن سالي
قصة سالي مكتوبة بالانجليزي
قصة سالي مترجمه بالانجليزي
قصة سالي كروي الحقيقية
قصة سالي الحقيقية
قصة سالي كاملة

Princess Sarah (Sarah Shōkōjo will ?, the little princess "but the pronunciation is indicated in the logo Purinsesu will literally" Princess Sarah ") is a television series of Japanese animation in 46 episodes of 24 minutes, created in 1985 by Ryuzo Nakanishi from the novel The Little Princess of Frances Hodgson Burnett (1888).
In France, the series was broadcast for the first time from 1 March 1987 on La Cinq in the program Youpi! School is over. It has been rebroadcast several times:
• April to July 1994 on TF1 in Le Club Dorothée Vacances.
• March to May 1996 on France 3 in Les Minikeums.
• In 1997 on Monte Carlo TMC and Mangas.
• June and July 2002 on France 5 in Midi les Zouzous
• In 2005 on NT1.
• September 2009 on Gulli.
• As of January 29, 2011 on Gulli.
• From 5 September 2011 on France 5 in Zouzous.
Around the series
• The animated series is a fairly faithful adaptation of the novel from which it is drawn but many characters such as the servants, Peter, Jump and Bonaparte are invented; The scenario is thus considerably broadened.
• At the beginning of the novel, Sarah is seven, she has eight in the series. In addition, she learns of her father's death a few months after arriving at the boarding school, on the day of her ninth birthday and not in the eleventh as in the novel.
• In the novel, Sarah remains a servant for two years and Crisford finds her only when she is thirteen years old, in the series, the dates indicated as May 1, summer holidays, Halloween and Christmas seem to indicate that 'A little more than a year elapses between the beginning and the end of the series. Sarah is eight years old at the beginning and between nine and a half and ten years at the end. We can indeed see that it is the winter in the first episode and again in the last.
• In the novel, Mr. Carmichael has three children, Donald, Janet and Nora; The latter is absent in the animated series.
• In the novel, Carmichael seeks Sarah in France and Russia, while in the series, he does his research only in France.

• In the novel, Sarah does not go back to the boarding school once Mr. Crisford found her, contrary to the animated series.

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